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Zeke 07-08-2010 05:10 AM

July 7: T100 (XAW, Day 6)
Okay, who remembers that I skipped Top 10 list number 100 and went straight to 101? I did that for a reason. I wanted to save it for something special, the perfect thing to mark our tenth anniversary. A Top 10 list... <i>of</i> Top 10 lists.

Was this a good idea? Probably not, but most ideas aren't. And unlike most ideas, this one has come to fruition. Here are <b><a href="../top10/100.html">The Top 10 Top 10 Lists For's 10th Anniversary</a></b>!

(I'd also like to toss out two forum links. First, I'm taking a little <a href="">survey</a> of what people want to see at this site in the future. Second, we've got a new <a href="">Fiver By Committee</a> going on -- all are welcome to join in.)

Tate 07-08-2010 07:51 AM


24: because I'll never improve on Tate's "would it be called '2'?" joke
Yay! I got a mention!

Wowbagger and Tate are actually the same guy
Another mention! Wait...we're the same guy? I did not know that!

Great list(s) Zeke.

Other highlights include:


"IJD GAF" really stands for "Now A Hot Topic: Money-Making Moths"
Chancellor Valium may cause Vizier Drowsiness, Senator Dizziness, or Regent Blurred Vision. Consult your Master Doctor before taking Chancellor Valium

Finally accepting that I'll never get you all to stop saying "5MV", I give up and buy a Venezuelan domain

The Top 10 Ways to Tell is Canadian
Annoying people who get mad at keep threatening to move here

The Top 10 Signs That "Girlfriend" Lists Are Getting Old
I start talking shop ("Signs That Your Girlfriend is a Nontrivial Zero of the Riemann Zeta Function")
The entries don't really involve her being your girlfriend ("She can Megamerge with Biometals" instead of, say, "Before you go out to dinner, she spends an hour choosing a Biometal to Megamerge with")

The Top 10 Fivers I Hid Subliminal Communist Messages In (it's probably best not to reveal those till after the revolution)
The Top 10 Kinds of People in the World (all I had were "those who know binary" and "those who don't")

MaverickZer0 07-08-2010 09:24 AM

That made me crack up all the way through, particularly the xkcd riff. I would have to quote the whole...things.

P.S. Ovantetsuken.

Nate the Great 07-08-2010 11:16 AM

Bart the Smart. Hehe.

evay 07-08-2010 01:43 PM


The Top 10 People I Wish I Could Get to Write a Fiver
4. evay. ...Pardon? ...What about my inbox?
heh. Email me, Z, we'll discuss. :) Plus I am seriously flattered to be higher on that list than Ray Bradbury, Larry Niven, and J.K. Rowling.


The Top 10 Scenes Where Tucker Took Serious Physical Damage (it felt done, somehow)
hee hee hee someone actually did try to start up "MalTreatment," a similar damage board for Malcolm Reed, with my blessing, but I don't think it ever got off the ground.


"IJD GAF" really stands for "Now A Hot Topic: Money-Making Moths"
If NAHTMMM would put up with it, I think we should start a new topic where everyone just submits different meanings for the acronym.

Derek 07-08-2010 04:58 PM


The Top 10 Kinds of People in the World (all I had were "those who know binary" and "those who don't")
Oldy but a goody. Which reminds me, why aren't jokes in octal funny? Because 7 10 11!


Voyagers: Derek suffers a catastrophic wardrobe malfunction with his dermaplastic garment (I'm not saying any more; it was cut for a reason)
That wasn't the only cut!


Derek has actually never watched Deep Space Nine -- he's just that good
Meh. I just write fivers of B5 only with better production values.

Tate 07-08-2010 10:27 PM


In the synoptics, Nate the Great is known instead as Bart the Smart
It took me a bit of thinking before I realized the full extent of this joke.
If anyone can't figure it out, go <a href="">here</a> for a hint.

NAHTMMM 07-09-2010 12:31 AM


60 Minutes: because that would be a bit too meta even for me

Oh, and I approve of the use of "smug" as a verb.

I liked the "The Top 10 People I Wish I Could Get to Write a Fiver" list. Someone could probably run with that idea.


The Top 10 Signs That Your Girlfriend is a Top 10 List (see list #4 below)
*Snerk* followed by "Oh dear . . ."


Letting not one but two Leap Days pass without a Quantum Leap fiver
I was kinda surprised KJ didn't mention that show in the survey.

[edit] I have just been informed that she did indeed mention that show. Shows how well I keep track of things.

"Top 10 Outtakes" was my favorite, with the Community list probably in second. (And not because I somehow was in two items.) And Hooray! for more of the "Minutemen" panel thing.


Sa'ar's a soprano


"IJD GAF" really stands for "Now A Hot Topic: Money-Making Moths"


Derek has actually never watched Deep Space Nine -- he's just that good
I believe it ;)


NAHTMMM and Katy Jane are married (Seriously! And it's KJ's birthday!)
Wheee! :D KJ hadn't seen that thread before she read that list, so that was a nice little extra surprise for her.


I embrace the reboot craze, delete everything on the site, and make a new Five-Minute "Caretaker" where Voyager blows up
At first glance I thought that was "robot craze". Then I tried to figure out what the last part had to do with BSG.


And the number one thing to look forward to in the next ten years...

1. Good things in small packages
Cheers to that! :)

NAHTMMM 07-09-2010 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by evay (Post 77814)
If NAHTMMM would put up with it, I think we should start a new topic where everyone just submits different meanings for the acronym.

It's happened on two other boards and been amusing both times. Go for it if you like. ;)


Originally Posted by Tate (Post 77818)
It took me a bit of thinking before I realized the full extent of this joke.

Ooh, clever. That hadn't occurred to me at all.

Katy Jane 07-09-2010 12:46 AM


NAHTMMM and Katy Jane are married (Seriously!)
Yes, we are! And this is were we met!

A top ten list of top ten lists? Brilliant!

PointyHairedJedi 07-09-2010 09:00 AM


2. Finally accepting that I'll never get you all to stop saying "5MV", I give up and buy a Venezuelan domain
Yup, pretty much.

If you ever get bored of maths, Zeke, there might always be a career available to you as a Roman satirist (though you might need to brush up on your Latin and have a time machine first). Also I need a pie.

The disclaimer seems curiously lacking in an Ozymandias reference. It would seem appropriate, something like:
"My name is Top Ten Top Ten, list of lists:
Look on my words, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Sa'ar Chasm 07-09-2010 06:42 PM


Sa'ar's a soprano
Old Man Riverrrr, that ooool maaaaan riverrrrr...

As far as I can recall, Zeke's never actually heard me sing. I'll let you lot decide whether he's fortunate or unfortunate.


Sa'ar (taking after Marc) is always threatening to break off his section and make it a separate website
Indeed. It shall be an independent Babylon 5 Western Canada concept, headquartered in, um, Ottawa.

(And then Zeke will send warships to retake the subsite, but I'll be rescued by a hot Croatian chick* with more warships)

* - Nic in a wig

Impressive list of lists. Just the right blend of funny and self-recrimination.

Ginga 07-09-2010 09:52 PM


Seriously, she had one good moment in four TNG films
Oh no you di-in't.


I do one where... okay, seriously, how do you get a name like "Gates McFadden"?
All right, I may have laughed out loud. Maybe.

PointyHairedJedi 07-10-2010 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm (Post 77838)
(And then Zeke will send warships to retake the subsite, but I'll be rescued by a hot Croatian chick* with more warships)

* - Nic in a wig

I wouldn't bet on it.

Did I tell anyone I went to visit him? I know catalina knows, I can't remember if it's come up with anyone else (though really in this case that would just be.... Sa'ar; um, shush). That was a pretty good trip, but I'm sad to say I think there's about a zero per cent chance we'll be seeing him here again. Or that I will either for that matter*.

* It's a long story. Or rather, a short one I don't really understand.

NAHTMMM 07-10-2010 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi (Post 77842)
I'm sad to say I think there's about a zero per cent chance we'll be seeing him here again. Or that I will either for that matter*.

:( That's a pity.

Andy Taylor 07-11-2010 05:28 PM

Loved the Top 10 list, and really appreciated the talk of girlfriend lists. That's really going back in time!

This past week or so has been a real blast. *sniff*

Wowbagger 07-19-2010 07:37 AM


8. For that matter, assuming that "bugger all" was just a stronger form of "bugger"

It doesn't?

Oh dear.


Originally Posted by Tate

Wowbagger and Tate are actually the same guy
Wait...we're the same guy? I did not know that!

Strangely, Tate, I did.

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