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Kira 09-08-2004 04:06 AM

September 7: 5MNG 3rd Anniversary, day 3
For the third day of our anniversary, Nic Corelli starts us off with one of my personal TNG favorites, Five-Minute "Face of the Enemy," while Wade is back with his third contribution, Five-Minute "Inheritance." And finally, my own two cents -- I've fived another of my favorite episodes: Five-Minute "Power Play."

Derek 09-08-2004 12:16 PM


Toreth: Let's see who's tougher here. We and the Enterprise are going to play a little game of Chicken! Those cowardly humans will run within seconds.
Troi: That might be tricky. In case you've forgotten, we are cloaked.
Heh. Nice fiver, Nic. Shades of Nemesis in this scene. You've certainly been busy fiving recently.


Data: It appears we've angered the volcano gods. The planet is destabilizing. Starfleet protocol says to sacrifice a virgin to appease their demands.
Is this a Joe vs the Volcano reference? Great fiver, Wade. As always.


Troi: Yarrr! Move yer ship to th' southern polar region, or we be killin' Jack.
Picard: (over the comm) Actually, my name is Jean-Luc.
Data: Not you! We named the monkey Jack.
Worf: What did you call me?
Pirates are just too funny. I'm only a little sorry there wasn't a reference to Davy Jones' locker. Nice to see fivers from you again, Kira.

Edit: Switch Nic's and Wade's names around as necessary.

NAHTMMM 09-08-2004 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Nic Corelli
DeSeve: Wait! I must urgently speak to Captain Picard. I bring a secret message from the Pointy Eared One.



Riker: Agent Spook, the pointy eared one? Who lives on Romulus? Now who could that be?

Toreth: An evil Tal Shiar officer trying to take control of my Warbird!
Troi: Your Warbird?
Toreth: My Warbird!
Troi: Your Warbird?
Toreth: My Warbird!


Toreth: Let's see who's tougher here. We and the Enterprise are going to play a little game of Chicken! Those cowardly humans will run within seconds.
Troi: That might be tricky. In case you've forgotten, we are cloaked.


Worf: For the love of Kahless! Counselor Troi has seized control of the Romulan Warbird!
Picard: Oh, sure. And I suppose Saudi Arabia won the Olympic Ice Hockey gold?
Worf: I'm telling you she did!
Picard: Mr. Worf, have you ever been interested in writing comedy?
Picard: (laughs maniacally) Stop it, Worf, you're killing me!
*sniggers* :D


Troi: You sound upset, perhaps even angry.
Toreth: Aha! Betazoid!


Dr. Tainer: Yes, nothing could go wrong with a foolproof plan like that.
Data: Agreed. We have come up with several new technobabble terms just for this event.

Data: Okay, Plan B. Invincible man and random visitor.
Heehee :mrgreen:


Picard: What we need here are some recurring characters to the rescue. Ensign Ro?
Ensign Ro: Yes, Captain?
Picard: Get me Chief O'Brien.

O'Brien: I've brought some transport enhancers so we can beam out through the interference.
Riker: What about the shuttle?
O'Brien: The captain said to leave it here as a monument to your incompetence.
Data: We should proceed with the transport before the storm reaches us.
Troi: Yeah. It looks ominous and plot-furthering.

Ro: Sir? Something seems to be wrong with the computer. It's set a new course and it won't let me change it back.
Riker: Let me try.
Computer: Pbbbbbbt!


O'Brien: Arrr! They be stoppin' the turbolift!
Troi: To the galley!
Data: Thar be weapons?
Troi: Thar be rum.
Data: Yarrrr.

PointyHairedJedi 09-08-2004 02:20 PM

Most excellently funny fivers. Nic's I liked especially -


N'Vek: Wrong! From now on you will refer to yourself as Major Rakal of the Tal Shiar. And you will help me, for I have a cunning plan.
Troi: How cunning?
N'Vek: As cunning as a fox that studied cunningness in Cambridge.
Hee. Now, let's all go down to Mrs. Miggins' pie shop for a slap up tea!


DeSeve: Wait! I must urgently speak to Captain Picard. I bring a secret message from the Pointy Eared One.
Riker: You lived on Romulus, man. Which pointy eared one?
DeSeve: The one and only!
:D :D :D


Troi: Um... no... let's not destroy it. It's not a threat to us. I mean, look how small it is... (points fingers at the viewscreen) It's tiny!
Toreth: It's not small, it's far away!

Hmm, I didn't know Nic wrote "Inheritance" too... ;)

Xeroc 09-08-2004 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
Hmm, I didn't know Nic wrote "Inheritance" too... ;)

My thoughts too - who exactly wrote each one? The first two both say "Nic Corelli"!

And, all three were excellent fivers!

Anonymous 09-08-2004 03:27 PM

"You can do anything you want if you don't mind who gets credit for it." - Ronald Reagan

Kira 09-08-2004 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Xeroc
My thoughts too - who exactly wrote each one? The first two both say "Nic Corelli"!

See, this is why we shouldn't have theme days where the same authors keep repeating. I kept getting the author credits of those two mixed up; apparently I just decided to give both of them to Nic. "Face of the Enemy" is his; "Inheritance" is Wade's. I'll fix it as soon as I can get into the FTP to upload the corrected version.

mudshark 09-08-2004 05:16 PM

Hoo-boy! Choice bits:

from "Face of the Enemy"

N'Vek: My name is N'Vek.
Troi: Hi, N'Vek. My name is Dea....
N'Vek: Wrong! From now on you will refer to yourself as Major Rakal of the Tal Shiar. And you will help me, for I have a cunning plan.

from "Inheritance"

Picard: Inform the Pentharans we are getting ready to fire.
Worf: Sir, we're orbiting Atrea IV, not Penthara IV.
Picard: Oh, right right. I'll get it; it's just a matter of time.
:znerk: :lol:

from "Power Play"

... oh, hell, the whole thing, really :mrgreen: , but

Captain's Log: We've detected a distress call from a supposedly uninhabited M-class moon. I was about to ignore such an obviously boring mission, but Commander Riker enthusiastically seconded that idea so we immediately set a course in order to spite him.
Keiko: Miles? What's going on?
O'Brien: This be a mutiny! Now face to the deck before we make ye walk the plank!
Keiko: Oh, you are so sleeping on the couch tonight.
Picard: Ensign, move the ship to the southern polar region. Very, very slowly.
Ro: Aye, sir. Activating Star Trek: The Motion Picture super slow motion.
La Forge: I can't believe the captain chose your plan over mine.
Ro: What, the plasma shock idea? Pfft. Too boring.
La Forge: But your plan is stupid.
Ro: You'd be surprised how effective dropping an oversized anvil on someone can be. Now, the trick will be to get them to stand on the giant "X" marked on the floor....
Mr. Weight? ;)


Originally Posted by Derek
I'm only a little sorry there wasn't a reference to Davy Jones' locker.

Maybe indirect, but I think this might qualify:

Troi: We be lost souls, trapped down below when our ship foundered.
Picard: Why didn't you just tell us this?
Troi: Dead men tell no tales, Cap'n.
And yes, pirates are funny.

Great stuff, everybody! :D :D

Nic Corelli 09-09-2004 01:51 AM

Somewhere on this page there is irrefutable evidence that I wrote "Face of the Enemy". I won`t tell you where! :twisted:

(heheh... nice one, Zeke!)


Originally Posted by Kira
See, this is why we shouldn't have theme days where the same authors keep repeating.

Yes, it`s all our fault, :P :twisted:

admiral sab 09-09-2004 02:52 AM

lol Nic it took me a minute to get your little joke, but HA! Yep that is pretty great proof there! :)

Standback 09-09-2004 06:31 AM


I'll be back before long, however: you haven't seen the last of my forays into big movie franchises. And I do mean big... but my lips are sealed

(Walks away, humming) Bum bum bum bom bah bum, bom bah bum....
Is that the Jaws theme I'm seeing?
Damn, I knew I should have learned to read music...

Zeke 09-09-2004 07:28 AM

:roll: Yes, Standback. That is the Jaws theme.

AKAArzosah 09-09-2004 10:47 AM

Isn't it Star Wars? It works, anyway.

SCMoll 09-09-2004 11:41 AM

I think it's scary that I can view a sequence of bums, bahs, and boms and instantly decode what the accompanying tune is...

Kira 09-09-2004 12:32 PM

That's not scary, that's intentional. (Kudos, to Sa'ar, who helped tweak it to make it accurate.)

After all, everyone knows the Jaws theme.

Sa'ar Chasm 09-09-2004 01:56 PM


(Kudos, to Sa'ar, who helped tweak it to make it accurate.)
Huh? Wha? Someone say my name?

What are we talking about again? Must've been asleep during that tweaking.

Kira 09-09-2004 03:03 PM

Hmm... I could've sworn that was you I had the "Bom bah bum" discussion with. I guess that tune was just all me.

PointyHairedJedi 09-09-2004 10:32 PM

It might have been PHJ, you know. He likes to pretend to be other people sometimes.

Alexia 09-10-2004 03:15 PM

Finally got around to reading them :wink:


N'Vek: Wrong! From now on you will refer to yourself as Major Rakal of the Tal Shiar. And you will help me, for I have a cunning plan.
Troi: How cunning?
N'Vek: As cunning as a fox that studied cunningness in Cambridge.
Troi: Sounds cunning.
Can anyone say, or rather sing, "Blaaaaaaaaaack Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadder" :mrgreen: I love that quote!

Very funny, all three!

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