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admiral sab 01-20-2005 02:02 PM

Save Enterprise Letter Writing Campaign
Once again here we go!


I am not going to go into a long explanation on this.. Two things that need to be done NOW!

The first is send letters daily from you and everyone around you for the next two months. Yes I know we are talking alot of letters here but we have received some info today and our focus needs to be directed to Mr. Moonves. The renewal of Enterprise is TOTALLY up to him and him alone! Also, we need to send to the L.A. Office and NOT the New York Office.. We need to bury him in Letters!

Mr. Leslie Moonves
Co-President, Co-Chief Operating Officer
CBS Television
CBS Television City
7800 W Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036

We have to get the ratings up these last few episodes. In order to do this, we are going to have to let the people that have the Nielsen Boxes and Diaries to watch Enterprise on Friday nights. It is that simple. Brandon, is working on some banners as we speak and we will have them by tomorrow.

If you are a member of another group or forum PLEASE spread the word on these two updates. These are probably the most important things to do within the next couple of months.

If you have or know of anyone with the box or diary feel free to contact me..

This is CRUCIAL if Enterprise is to continue on!
this was posted at another forum I frequent. Please send your postcards or letters.

PointyHairedJedi 01-21-2005 11:02 PM

....I'd be lying, really, if I said that I cared if ENT got cancelled or not, but I'm not really. It's okay, it has it's merits, but I am not roused enough to care. Really, anyway, it's just a TV show.

Kinda moot though anyway. I doubt a US network exec gives half a hoot what a British viewer thinks.

Chancellor Valium 01-22-2005 09:09 AM

^Agreed. The only reason I'm looking forward to the new series of Doctor Who is that we may finally get something before the US. Though knowing the beeb, they'll probably sell it to the us networks before it's released here :x

Zeke 01-23-2005 12:16 AM

So why are you two even posting in this thread, except to further frustrate those of us who are really worried that ENT will be cancelled?

Nan 01-23-2005 01:19 AM

Gotta agree with Z, there. It's kinda insensitive.

admiral sab 01-23-2005 02:43 AM

Thanks, Zeke. I was thinking that but I didn't want to say it. No offense to PHJ or Valium, but I'm already frustrated about the possible cancellation of the series especially after such a great episode last night! :)

PointyHairedJedi 01-23-2005 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
So why are you two even posting in this thread, except to further frustrate those of us who are really worried that ENT will be cancelled?

Um... I have no brain?

I didn't intend to antagonise anyone, or be insensitive, merely state my opinion, namely that I'm not bothered particularly one way or the other if ENT is renewed or not. I am still allowed to say what I think, right?

Gatac 01-23-2005 04:07 PM

While I do care about Enterprise, I think the reaction to PHJ and Valium has been a bit harsh. They both have a valid opinion. True, tempers are a bit high, what with Enterprise apparently on borrowed time (again), but we're not going to get anything done with jumping at each other's throat. After all, we're all here because we like Trek, right?

/"Let's play nice, children" speech


Chancellor Valium 01-23-2005 08:20 PM

Sorry, that wasn't quite what I intended. Oh, and I was agreeing with the last part of Pointy's comment, about american network exec's not giving a hoot, and that only. Otherwise, my post doesn't really make much sense, does it? :wink:
Having just watched the first two episodes of season 2, I hope it continues to improve, and I for one am looking forward to seeing seasons 3 and 4 on terrestrial british TV.

Nan 01-24-2005 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
I am still allowed to say what I think, right?

Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Pointy. I didn't mean to sound PO'd or anything.

I suggest we all shake hands and look at a cute picture of kitties.

PointyHairedJedi 01-24-2005 02:26 PM

Who needs Idolons when you've got pictures of cute kitties, eh? :D

Chancellor Valium 01-24-2005 07:31 PM

Everybody ready? On three. One. Two. Three: Ahhh so sweet! :mrgreen:
Anyone want some Prozac? Leola root souffle? key lime pie? They're all freshly baked! :D

Ginga 01-25-2005 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Nan

Oh my God... *squee* That is so qute...

I just came in here to say that's the Cutest Thing Ever.

Captain Proton 01-30-2005 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
I doubt a US network exec gives half a hoot what a British viewer thinks.

not quite. don't forget that the more people watching ENT in the UK (or any other place on the globe), there's more reason for their local network to buy the new seasons (and also other sci - fi shows, but that's irrelevant), which means there's more money to be gayned by paramount executives through syndication.

i myself am involved in a fan project to try and and presavayd a israely channel to buy and air seasons 3+4 of ENT, and i like to think that weather or not the campaign is successful will have some inpact on the world - wide campiagn to save ENT.

before you mock my spelling or gramer, please keep in mind that english is not my first languege.

Opium 01-31-2005 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by Nan

I suggest we all shake hands and look at a cute picture of kitties.

Awwwwwwwwww. Maybe Enterprise needs to have more cute puppies and kittens...perhaps Porthos goes to some strange puppy/kitten world and picks up a few litters :oops:

Why does UPN keep wanting to cancel Enterprise? (it is UPN, right? I usually watch it on Space...) Sometimes I think it is simply a trick to boost viewship during sweeps, to get more ad money, rather than to boost viewship so they keep the show afloat.

EDIT: Eep! Just in case the above is somehow misinterpreted as the start of a debate, it is in fact a conspiracy theory. :wink:

Zeke 01-31-2005 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Proton
before you mock my spelling or gramer

Don't let the thought even enter your mind. We're not that kind of forum. We're glad to have you no matter how you spell stuff. :)

Kira 01-31-2005 02:52 PM

(Just watch the multiple punctuation, or be prepared to duck Zeke's Hammer of Smiting.)

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