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Nate the Great 12-17-2009 10:04 PM

Add a Fiveminute.Net Page to TVTropes?

Lots of people put fanfics on the site whether or not they wrote it. After all, fanfics have tropes too, right? So I thought it may be a nice way to drum up interest. And we do use a lot of tropes in our work. And Zeke is a fellow troper, so yeah...

Anyway, I'd like some discussion of what should be added to the page? Is there a single paragraph from a fiver that would be a good page quote to introduce us to the troper community? What would be the best image to use? And so forth.

Zeke 12-18-2009 12:52 AM

Actually, I've been pleasantly surprised to find several links on the site already (I'm an inveterate hitcounter-checker). Besides people's profiles, we're recommended on the Voyager recaps page along with Delta Blues -- always good company to be in. And "How to Debate an Exploding Candidate", which included a shout-out to the Good Thing You Can Heal trope, has actually seen that shout-out returned.

I'd certainly have no problem with people starting a page at TVT (and I'd be flattered). Due to the obvious conflict of interest, I probably shouldn't have too much to do with it myself.

Nate the Great 12-18-2009 01:21 AM

Would you mind if I called the page Five Minute Voyager, with a Five Minute Dot Net redirect?

As for conflict of interest, we're in danger of that either way, aren't we?

MaverickZer0 12-18-2009 01:23 AM

That sounds awesome. Of course, I'm a troper myself, so I might just have to start plugging in a few places...

Nate the Great 12-18-2009 07:05 AM

Of course we'd need a ptitle for "Fiveminute.Net", but what else is new?

Wowbagger 12-21-2009 12:03 AM

I should have guessed that you were all tropers, too.

Actually, this revelation explains most of the content of that site.


Nate the Great 12-22-2009 01:46 AM

I've started the page, but I'll need a lot of help to make this thing presentable.

Zeke 12-22-2009 05:35 AM

Lookin' good, Nate! I want to thank you for resisting the temptation -- which, knowing your feelings on the matter, was surely strong -- to link the April Fool's note to Wall Banger instead of Schedule Slip.

It's not a big deal, but given the choice, I would prefer as primary title instead of Five-Minute Voyager. I miss the 5MV days too, but that hasn't been our name since '05, and I still think changing it was the right move. (Anyway, the old name survives as the name of the Voyager subsite.)

Nate the Great 12-22-2009 11:12 AM

Now that ptitles are so easy to make I didn't see a reason why we couldn't have as the name of the page. I still plan to use the Five Minute Voyager redirect in other places because it's an easier link to use, however.

And as my contributor page says, I now intend to read all of the fivers again to find the tropes. It's been too long since I read the fivers, anyway, and I guess I kept falling under Archive Panic mode. But now I have a reason to read!

Nate the Great 12-22-2009 11:36 PM

Mav, Wowwy, I'm not sure what your troper handles are, so if you want to substitute links to your contributor pages, that'd be great.

Nate the Great 12-23-2009 12:01 AM

Tropes for the Caretaker fiver now up. Sheesh, if I don't restrain myself this page is going to be HUGE.

Nate the Great 12-23-2009 05:39 AM

Parallax tropes now up. I am on a roll...

MaverickZer0 12-23-2009 11:22 AM

I don't have a page yet. (I'm lazy.) But my Troper name is Darkloid_Blues. Also, I don't think I've ever actually gotten around to submitting a fiver. >> The only one I have written up in full is the one for NT Warrior Axess, anyway.

Nate the Great 12-23-2009 11:38 AM

Hmm. This does present a problem. Would you just prefer to not be mentioned on the page at all?

To return to business, as the number of episodes I post tropes for increase, I intend to folderize the sections. Should I make the folders series-specific, season-specific, or what? Input is appreciated.

Sa'ar Chasm 12-24-2009 01:43 AM

I think you should categorise by trope and then have episode examples listed under Lampshade Hanging, Call Foward, Completely Missing The Point, etc.

Nate the Great 12-24-2009 02:14 AM

Lumping by trope works with other works, but is different. With fivers it's a lot faster just to present excerpts than summarize what's going on into terse examples. And if I'm reading one fiver at at time it's a lot easier to post in sections than sort the new entries among the old ones every time. And there are A LOT of fivers to come.

Besides, a lot of the excerpts will serve as examples of more than one trope at a time, and I don't want to have to post twice.

Eventually I'll probably split series-specific pages off of the main page, keeping the main page for common fiver tropes in addition to being a hub.

MaverickZer0 12-24-2009 06:07 AM

Honestly, not mentioning me might be better.

Annnnd I think we should stick to TV Tropes standard format for the examples, too. It's a bit jarring the way it is now.

Nate the Great 12-24-2009 01:08 PM

You're probably right, but that's just going to increase the amount of work I'll have to do exponentially. In fact, I'll probably have to maintain a copy of the page on my computer to fiddle around with and just paste back to TVTropes every so often to update.

Next question. Should I link episode titles back to their corresponding fivers? It would be a considerate thing to do to help those ignorant of our fair site, but it would be A LOT of work.

Wowbagger 12-26-2009 03:23 PM

Since has used more tropes in more concentrated form than possibly any other fictional work in the history of the world, it might be a lot easier (and a lot shorter) to go through every trope in the Trope Database and find one example from fiver canon.

Yeah, I think linking episode titles is important, because, y'know, people are stupid and tropers, while rarely stupid, are usually pretty lazy. :P

Nate the Great 12-30-2009 06:08 AM

I've now restructured the page so all the tropes are in one big stack, with episode titles linked to the individual fiver pages. Sheesh, that was a lot of work.

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