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Kira 06-18-2004 09:22 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Here's the next 5MNG guest fiver to be pulled from its dusty hiding place in the backlog: easily one of my favorite Next Generation episodes of all time, Admiral Sab brings us Five-Minute "Rascals."[/color:post_uid0]

mudshark 06-18-2004 11:44 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]Crusher: Captain, I need to speak with you NOW.
Picard Jr.: Hmmmm this could be interesting... Hello, Mrs. Robinson.
Crusher: I don't think so, Jean-Luc. Nice try though. I'm here to relive you of duty.
Picard Jr.: Fine, okay, I'll relieve myself.
Worf: Snicker. [/quote:post_uid0] :D
[quote:post_uid0]O'Brien: Well, this is awkward. [/quote:post_uid0] :lol:
[quote:post_uid0]Picard Jr.: Okay, we've managed to steal some phasers and hyposprays. Now for Phase Two of our plan.
Keiko Jr.: So how you gonna get on the Bridge, sir?
Picard Jr.: Don't ask, it'll only humiliate me further....
Picard Jr.: Get out of my chair.
Lurin: Hah! You must be kidding.
Picard Jr.: (aiming a phaser) Wrong choice of words.
Lurin: Gulp. [/quote:post_uid0]Heh heh.[/color:post_uid0]

Derek 06-19-2004 12:38 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Yeah, I know mudshark just quoted it, but it's just so good.
[quote:post_uid0]Picard Jr.: Get out of my chair.
Lurin: Hah! You must be kidding.
Picard Jr.: (aiming a phaser) Wrong choice of words.
Lurin: Gulp.[/quote:post_uid0]

Great fiver, admiral sab.[/color:post_uid0]

evay 06-19-2004 12:21 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Very funny!

Although someone needs to fix a typo:

[quote:post_uid0]Keiko Jr.: I'm still you're wife.[/quote:post_uid0]

It should be [b:post_uid0]your[/b:post_uid0] wife. (sorry, can't help it, I'm an editor.)[/color:post_uid0]

NAHTMMM 06-19-2004 05:34 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid5][quote:post_uid5]Riker: Either way, does this mean I get to be Captain or not?
Picard Jr.: Not.
Riker: Fooey!
Picard Jr.: Oh, grow up.

DaiMon Lurin: HA! We have your ship! Now we will beam the adults aboard down to Legoland and make you build our Lego Fortress!
Riker: You'll never get away with this.
Lurin: Probably not, but it's a fun thought anyways.

Morta: So how do I turn it on?
Riker: You use this hand to push that button.
Morta: This button?
Riker: No, that one shuts down the hard drive and then all the aljfhdto hdofhfgk jfohfto things will blow up. Got it?
Morta: Uh, yes-- wait, what's other hand doing to that other panel over there?
Riker: Pay attention to what I'm teaching you!
Morta: Sorry! Um, where were we?[/quote:post_uid5]
And then the blurb:
[quote:post_uid5]Ro learns not to believe "Fly Through Me" signs on spatial anomalies[/quote:post_uid5]
:lol: :lol: Good work, Admiral Sab![/color:post_uid5]

Nic Corelli 06-19-2004 11:33 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Really funny fiver, Admiral Sab! :D Loved the Lego jokes.[/color:post_uid0]

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