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Nate the Great 06-14-2012 06:57 PM

Star Trek turns 47 next year
I just realized that in 2013 Star Trek will turn 47. Furthermore Star Trek 12 comes out next year. I've no doubt Paramount has no idea of the significance the number 47 has for Trekkies, but perhaps we should do something to celebrate the occasion.

What do you guys want to do with this thread? Reminisce about earliest Trek memories, prepare 47 fivers to be published on September 8th, the actual anniversary, what?

We should do something, and we shouldn't have to wait until 2016 to do it.

NAHTMMM 06-15-2012 02:02 PM

Well, as far as earliest Star Trek memories, the first and only Trek movie I ever saw in theaters (as far as I know) was The Undiscovered Country.

I have a rather vague memory of being confused about why Kirk and McCoy were outside in all that snow, and then I guess I fell asleep. I wasn't very old. ;)

Nate the Great 06-15-2012 02:36 PM

Like so many children of the eighties, my first Trek experience was NextGen. For quite a while I wasn't a fan of TOS; it just looked so cheesy and cheap. In retrospect that seems weird, cause I loved the Adam West Batman.

As I grew older I was able to watch TOS with the proper mindset and grew to love it.

NAHTMMM 06-16-2012 02:32 PM

Through the 90s, I could probably count the number of complete episodes I'd seen on both hands. A couple of TNG, a few Voyager episodes (I assumed they were reruns, but maybe not?) I just kinda wandered into, maybe one or two of TOS, and a bit of a DS9 episode we flipped past once in a hotel room.

Star Trek for me was the movies and, later, the books (including Blish's novelizations of the OS episodes). I knew about the TV shows but somehow it never really connected that maybe they were still running and I should look them up in the schedule. In fact, I was kinda confused when I was very young. I knew about the OS cast and I was aware of some of the NG cast and I think I gradually assumed that it was all one big TV series that just changed most of the characters at some point.

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