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Zeke 11-13-2008 04:43 AM

FBC Feedback Thread
The time has finally come. The first Fiver By Committee, The Matrix, is now finished and on the site.

In lieu of providing email links to like 35 people, I've created this thread for feedback.


NeoMatrix 11-13-2008 05:54 AM

We did such a great job with this a long time ago. The next FBC should be released by the next presidential election.

Alexia 11-13-2008 09:16 AM

Wow, I'd actually forgotten you guys were working on this!

<i>Morpheus: Shut up, Neo. The appropriate question is, "When?"
Neo: Oh. When?
Morpheus: I can't tell you. Temporal Prime Directive. </i>

xD Nice :D

<i>Morpheus: We were at the height of our civilization until we created AI.
Neo: You mean artificial intelligence?
Morpheus: No, American Idol. That show singlehandedly reduced us to the state we're in now. </i>


<i>Neo: ...Right. Look, it's really hard to eat this glop with a fork. Can I get a spoon?
Trinity: Sorry, Neo. There is no spoon. </i>


Good work guys :D

PointyHairedJedi 11-18-2008 08:43 AM

It is good, for a group effort. Of course there are inevitably bits I wish had made it in, and I see the "Point Blank/Point Break" error is still in there, but.... we did good, kids.

evay 11-18-2008 05:51 PM

<i>SWAT Guy: Die, fledermaus!
Mouse: Not the opera puns...! GAK!</i>

this made me giggle hysterically.

nice job, folks! now I have to go rewatch the film so I can match up the jokes. It's been too long anyway.

Rayinne 11-19-2008 07:36 AM

Holy crap, it finally went up!

Double holy crap, one of my blocks got in!

Triple holy crap, it finally went up! *SHOT WITH LEPIDOPTERAE*

Nate the Great 11-05-2019 03:54 PM

Could we have a recap on why the ID comver died? Lack of interest in comving in general, or just a lack of interest in this particular one? If we started with a movie that I cared about and could keep the top spinning on, would you guys participate?

NAHTMMM 01-05-2020 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 81707)
Could we have a recap on why the ID comver died? Lack of interest in comving in general, or just a lack of interest in this particular one? If we started with a movie that I cared about and could keep the top spinning on, would you guys participate?

I think it was moving slowly and a lot of people just kinda disappeared over time.

I have a lot less time these days because of a job and toddler, but I would be up for another go at a movie I've seen or at least can read a transcript of. My response time might be on the order of a week or two, rather than days.

Flying Gremlin 01-09-2020 05:58 PM

FBC coming back? Count me in.

If we could finish Independence Day, that's cool. If not, that's also acceptable.

Nate the Great 06-10-2020 08:36 PM

One reason why it was going slowly was the lack of interested people. I said at the start that I wasn't going to participate in ID, and Zeke even wanted to choose something other than ID so I could participate, but the majority overruled him. Well, I'm interested in doing a comver, and I hope I could keep the conversation going.

Flying Gremlin 06-12-2020 05:50 AM

Why don't we, then?

If someone wants to pick up on Independence Day, I mean, I'm all in, but Nate, you and I seem to be the most active people here, and honestly I think we could use some content around here. We could start a new one, and if anyone else wants to join in they can. The ID ones can stay on the back burner, and we can start something else.

...just as long as it isn't that stupid Jupiter Ascending movie. Channing Tatum should not be allowed near anything that's trying to be semi-serious.

Nate the Great 06-12-2020 12:37 PM

I'm not sure what movie I'd want to do as a comver, that is, only contributing some jokes to. It would have to be a movie that I like but aren't obsessed with.

For some strange reason the first movie that comes to mind is Willow, but that definitely seems like a movie that requires a consistent vision from a fivist.

How about Batman Begins? There's plenty to work with there, right?

Flying Gremlin 06-12-2020 04:45 PM

Batman Begins is an option, though as the first of a trilogy it might be difficult to restrain it from call forwarding too much.

If we want something a little more standalone, my mind jumps to Dark City, then The Fifth Element. The first one, I swore I saw a Dark City one on this site before (though I can't seem to find it now) so it may not be viable. Also, one of my favorite movies of all time.

The Fifth Element would work, however - finding people truly passionate about that movie is rare, but it's fun schlock that does include humor but not a huge amount. It's mostly used nowadays to show you that 4K TVs can do lots of colors.

Nate the Great 06-21-2020 06:35 PM

Besides the Joker reference and the unresolved Rachel Dawes romance, how many plot threads really dangle from BB to TDK?

Flying Gremlin 06-25-2020 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 81956)
Besides the Joker reference and the unresolved Rachel Dawes romance, how many plot threads really dangle from BB to TDK?

It's more the jump to TDKR that is concerning. Dark Knight is like the interesting side quest that happens in between the two main story points.

Also, Cillian Murphy, the Batsuit and the Tumbler.

Nate the Great 08-03-2020 08:11 PM

Props aren't unresolved plot threads.

Eragon? Plenty to riff on in that one, right?

(Meaningless aside, but the movie really doesn't hold a candle to the books. The movie conforms so closely to The Hero's Journey that there isn't room for the stuff that makes Eragon unique. If you haven't given the books a try, please do so.)

Nate the Great 07-05-2021 02:51 AM

Van Helsing? That's one I certainly remember through rose-tinted glasses. I even read the novelization, and it didn't even try to explain the plot holes.

Nate the Great 11-26-2023 04:21 AM

It occurs to me that doing the MCU in order would be epic. Iron Man is certainly riffable, right?

NAHTMMM 11-29-2023 03:37 PM

Doing the whole MCU at this point would take until the heat death of the universe, but we could try for the first phase (up through Avengers Assemble) and see how that goes.

(and I would enjoy it more at this point than inflicting ID4 on myself again)

Nate the Great 11-30-2023 01:12 AM

Well, I was really only thinking of the films at this point anyway.

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