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Zeke 04-03-2009 03:56 AM

April 2 (5M^_^)
<p>Now then, back to business. For today's update we have --
<p>Wait! I've got it! <i>Anime!</i>
<p>That's what all the cool sites are into now! Who needs sci-fi? There's a whole new genre just waiting for me to attack it! My hitcounts will soar! My frustrations will be crushed by giant robots! I'll never have to hear the name "Joss Whedon" again!
<p>From now on, this site is <b>Five-Minute Anime</b>! New <a href="..">front page</a>! New <a href="../a1/about.html">Statement of Purpose</a>! New list: <a href="../top10/102.html">The Top 10 Signs That You Wish Your Girlfriend Were an Anime Character</a>! And exclamation points for all!

NeoMatrix 04-03-2009 04:09 AM


I decided to stop by and see what is going on.

NeoMatrix 04-03-2009 04:11 AM

Please tell me this is a late April Fools Joke. I need you to finish your Voyager fivers.

Tate 04-03-2009 05:14 AM

Arigato gozaimasu Zeke-soma! ^^

MaverickZer0 04-03-2009 05:25 AM

*looks at the disclaimer*

If I weren't lazy, I'd translate that. As it is, I get a vague sense of wrongness looking at it, but I can't brain Japanese right now.

Wowbagger 04-04-2009 01:12 AM

I can't tell you how glad I am that you added the ^__^ to the About page, but didn't get rid of the zombie joke from last year.

"5M^_^'s Statement of BRAINS." I lol'd.

Zeke 04-04-2009 04:50 AM

Yes. That was, um... yeah. I noticed that too late. Glad you enjoyed it.

There was a mistake in the T10 list as well -- I said "nanoprobes" a la Voyager instead of "nanomachines" a la Mai-Otome. To get the joke, either read up at Encyclopedia Dramatica (the nanomachines have become a meme) or watch the show, which is pretty good.

Good to see you, Neo! As you can see, <strike>this year's April Fool's event is underway</strike> the site has changed forever and ever. And ever. Anime till time stops!


*looks at the disclaimer*

If I weren't lazy, I'd translate that. As it is, I get a vague sense of wrongness looking at it, but I can't brain Japanese right now.
It is better to light a single Google than to curse the darkness. The disclaimer is, of course, Mahoro's catch phrase.

Wowbagger 04-04-2009 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 76934)
Yes. That was, um... yeah. I noticed that too late. Glad you enjoyed it.

Ach, man, ye should have jus' claimed it were intentional, and I'd ne'er been th' wiser., I don't know where that accent just came from.

MaverickZer0 04-04-2009 08:59 AM

Vague feeling of wrongness replaced by a strong one at the discovery that Zeke watches rom-com anime. Tell me it's because she's a robot, dude.

Though. I did like the Speed Racer joke. That is much more appropriate.

Zeke 04-04-2009 08:01 PM

You would be well-advised not to assume I've actually watched anything I make references to during an <strike>April Fool's event</strike> event that launches a glorious new future for the site. Especially considering what the first fiver is gonna be...

That said, I am a <i>Mahoromatic</i> fan. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how I wound up watching it (which is something I can say about many animes), but obviously the robot thing got my attention. The characters kept it, though. I have no robot excuse for watching both seasons of <i>Ai Yori Aoshi</i>, so suffice to say I can enjoy a good harem show if it's got more entertainment than angst.

(Also, Mahoro's catch phrase is famous enough that I knew about it well before I watched the show.)

Wowbagger 04-05-2009 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 76938)
You wouldn't believe me if I told you how I wound up watching it...

I sense a story here. And I want it told.

Zeke 04-11-2009 09:50 PM

Well, I didn't say it was an interesting story. I was doing a Google search for something related to Rin, my favourite character in another anime (Fate/Stay Night). What I turned up was a page by someone using "Rin" as a handle. On it, she had a weird but amusing-sounding clip from the dub of some anime. The anime turned out to be Mahoromatic, which has another character named Rin (although she wasn't important in that clip). Even stranger, I think that's not the anime this particular Rin had named herself after; the pic on the page was certainly from another show. But that's how I found out about Mahoromatic, and what I read intrigued me enough to check it out.

The name "Rin" is one of the chief pieces of evidence for Zeke's First Rule of Anime: The more girls you run into with a given name, the more likely it is that there's also one male character with that name. The male Rin is in SHUFFLE!. See also Sakura (male in Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan) and Chiaki (male in Nodame Cantabile).

By the way, I haven't abandoned the event. I've done that with two <strike>April Fool's events</strike> site reinventions in a row -- not this time, baby. I'm riding this anime train till they run out of rail.

Nate the Great 04-11-2009 10:17 PM

It's the 11th. I think the novelty of April Fool's Day has worn off. Perhaps you should've chosen a prank that would've taken less time. For example, creating a newspost that a new fiver has been published. Include a link, and have the "fiver" page say April Fool's, and call the reader a sucker or something.

In other words, PLEASE change the site back and actually put up something that won't be obsolete in a week!

Zeke 04-11-2009 10:53 PM

No. We've been over this -- I do long April Fool's events. I enjoy it. And I'm going somewhere with this one. The fact that I'm running late is unfortunate, but not game-changing.

Nate the Great 04-12-2009 01:00 AM

There's no way I can continue without sounding like a whiny condescending jerk. Just consider the replay value of event-related pages versus regular fivers.

Wowbagger 04-15-2009 05:18 AM

I fully support long April Fool's Day events. I also support late ones.

Zeke, you taught me everything I know about ridiculously overblown AFD events from small websites. I've amused hundreds (and terrified thousands) with antic stunts thrown as a result of FMCheese and FMZombies. This year, my audio drama (Starship Excelsior; shameless plug; link in my signature; tell your nerd friends) is planning to spring its AFD joke sometime in June, because, quote, "the audience won't be expecting it then," unquote, and, quote, "we haven't even halfway finished it yet," unquote.

So keep on having absurdly-high-to-impossible expectations for yourself! You're a role model for All Internet!

In fact, the Excelsior AFD is what brings me here tonight. How would a voice actor pronounce "dsokdpach"?

Thank you. And thank you for the story. :)

NAHTMMM 04-28-2009 01:47 AM

I found the front-page one-liner the funniest "part" of the Top 10 list. I'm not sure what that says about me.

Zeke 05-02-2009 06:19 PM


You know the routine. I hit a wall made up partly of RL obligations (lots of them) and partly of perfectionism. I was so determined not to screw this one up, but here we are a month later. I don't feel guilty about it, per my policy of not doing that anymore, but it's extremely frustrating.

Trouble is, I can't abandon this event. And not just because the last two were false starts. No, I'm going somewhere with this one, and the point won't become clear until about halfway through. So I'm just gonna have to ask you to bear with me.

If I can, I'll start again on Monday. (Can't do earlier -- I'm moving my stuff from one room of the house to another this weekend.) But here's the plan: I won't start up again until I have as much of the event "in hand" as possible. That way I can move through it quickly and we can all get back to our lives.

NAHTMMM 05-03-2009 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 76975)

You know the routine. I hit a wall made up partly of RL obligations (lots of them) and partly of perfectionism.

Indeed I do. :( You'd think I'd learn to avoid that by now, but . . .


No, I'm going somewhere with this one
I tried to imagine where you could take anime, and for some reason the only thing that popped into my mind for a while was "blinking text". ;)

Wowbagger 05-03-2009 05:58 AM

<MARQUEE> </MARQUEE> tags. You heard it here first.

We are patient fans, Zeke. Keep it up. We'll be here.

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