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Zeke 01-15-2008 06:51 PM

January 15 (T10 #96-99)
<p>Okay, let's do this thing! My original plan was to whip this up for January 1, but as you'll see, it expanded a bit -- mostly because I wanted to give a couple of my favourite new sf shows their first appearance at Here are four, count 'em six (wait, what?), new Top 10 lists:
<ul><li><a href="../top10/96.html">The Top 10 New Year's Resolutions of <i>Voyager</i> Characters</a>
<li><a href="../top10/97.html">The Top 10 New Year's Resolutions of <i>Enterprise</i> Characters</a>
<li><a href="../top10/98.html">The Top 10 New Year's Resolutions of <i>Torchwood</i> Characters</a></ul>
And finally -- no joke here --
<ul><li><a href="../top10/99.html">The Top 30 New Year's Resolutions of <i>Heroes</i> Characters</a></ul>

DCTrekkie 01-15-2008 08:31 PM

Yahoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FMV IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahem.... sorry, lost control for a second then. I'm glad you're back Zeke, i'm looking forward to seeing new fivers soon(ish). Just don't push yourself to hard this time trying to update daily, i'd hate to lose this site permanently.

Sa'ar Chasm 01-15-2008 08:46 PM


Archer: Finally make up his mind between Betty and Veronica
Better and Veronicer, surely...

Derek 01-15-2008 09:52 PM


14. West: Go and... oh, let's face it. Who cares?
Glad we agree.

Nate the Great 01-15-2008 10:43 PM

5MV no longer exists! does! Look, I love "5MV" as much as anyone else, but the apron strings have to be cut and--

Picard: The line must be drawn HERE!

Anyway, good stuff.

NAHTMMM 01-16-2008 03:59 AM


Paris: Find a new century to be obsessed with -- the 20th is oddly popular with other sf characters
Yes, it is, isn't it?


# Seven: Stop indulging in the irrelevant custom of making New Year's resoluBZZT BZZT ERROR IN TERTIARY SUBROUTINE 12A6
# Doc: Fix Seven... again
:D :D

The others were very silly as well :D

Chancellor Valium 01-16-2008 02:57 PM

...Is it a coincidence that before I read this thread I'd put And the Glory from Messiah on?

No, seriously.

Good stuff, Zeke. 'Specially liked the Janeway one. :D

mudshark 01-16-2008 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by NAHTMMM (Post 75850)

# Seven: Stop indulging in the irrelevant custom of making New Year's resoluBZZT BZZT ERROR IN TERTIARY SUBROUTINE 12A6
# Doc: Fix Seven... again
:D :D


Liked the disclaimers, too.

Zeke 01-17-2008 04:18 AM

Thanks for the warm reception, guys. (Low turnout, but I could hardly expect otherwise.)


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm (Post 75846)
Better and Veronicer, surely...

I thought about that, but the fact that "better" is a real word makes it confusing. (It would also make the choice easy.)


Originally Posted by Derek (Post 75847)
Glad we agree.

To a point. I don't hate West the way some people do, I just find him annoying. His teamup with Bennett was actually really cool. Unfortunately, he lost big points in the finale by leaving Claire for stupid reasons.

Of course, you have <a href="../smallville">your own particular bias</a> in this case....

Tate 01-17-2008 04:39 AM

Great top-ten lists, Zeke! Very funny.

I especially liked (WARNING: Spoilers for those who haven't seen season two of Heroes):


Reed: Stop hanging out with Irish gangs

Nathan: Spin this assassination attempt into great PR via comparisons to Reagan... oh, and survive it
This one took me a while to understand:

Monica: Whatever your resolution is
But I thought it was really funny once I got it.

Anyway, thanks for the update, Zeke! I hope's there's more to come (especially more Heroes content).

Derek 01-17-2008 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 75858)
To a point. I don't hate West the way some people do, I just find him annoying. His teamup with Bennett was actually really cool. Unfortunately, he lost big points in the finale by leaving Claire for stupid reasons.

I generally overstate his case, but I'm pretty against him. Not only is he painfully boring and uninteresting, but he drags down Claire in every scene she has with him. In season 1, I thought Claire was such a great character that she could be paired with anyone and be interesting (anyone in Bennet family, Zach, Peter, Nathan, Ma Petrelli, Haitian,...), but West disproved that.


Of course, you have <a href="../smallville">your own particular bias</a> in this case....
No flights, no tights, I say. ... Except Nathan. ... And just on the former.

Nate the Great 01-17-2008 02:36 PM

Hey, I just noticed--there's no 47 in that subroutine error! How'd THAT happen?

evay 01-17-2008 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
I did not consciously steal this from evay

One was wondering. ;) But hey, new year, new set of resolutions, right?

I thought the Heroes list in particular was hilarious, but they were all very good.

Zeke 01-17-2008 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 75864)
Hey, I just noticed--there's no 47 in that subroutine error!

OR IS THERE? (mudshark's half right. It isn't random.)

PointyHairedJedi 01-17-2008 08:44 PM

Con-tent! Pointy-Five is alive!

Yah. I don't know where that came from either. Anyway. Nice to see new stuff, though I think I'll avoid the Heroes list for the moment what with only being current up to the end of series one, and all.

mudshark 01-18-2008 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 75870)
OR IS THERE? (mudshark's half right. It isn't random.)

In that case, it can only mean that

12A6 = 4774

in hex.

Wowbagger 01-18-2008 08:43 PM


Tuvok: Figure out who that Samantha chick is
Samantha? Never heard of her. Samantha who?

(Hey, somebody had to say it.)

And, otherwise, a big welcome back to 5MV, an abbreviation I will continue to use for as long as it provokes Nate the Great into correcting me with hilarious dudgeon. I admit I bounced over here today and very nearly swore an oath out of surprise. I then laughed uproariously for a while. Thanks for the update, Zeke.

Nate the Great 01-18-2008 10:54 PM

Hilarious dudgeon? There's a new one...

Wowbagger 01-19-2008 09:53 AM

"Hilarious" should, of course, be pronounced "high-larryus" in that phrase, because that makes it just that much more amusing to say aloud.

Nate the Great 01-19-2008 11:21 AM

This is going to sound silly, but I found myself thinking of other ways we could use "5MV" to indicate the site without implying Voyager is all we do. The best I could come up with is Five-Minute Voyages. Pretty silly, huh?

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