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NeoMatrix 08-05-2004 03:07 PM

It means you should not read star trek fanfic before bed, lol.

Sounds like the dream is telling you should not always be in a hurry to get somewhere. To spend more time with your friends, or you might miss out. Your friends will not always be there.

Alexia 08-05-2004 03:13 PM

Yeah, probably! Not sure on the sliding though...!

Of course, it could have been the cheese before bed :wink: :mrgreen:

Zeke 08-05-2004 04:06 PM

Off-topic comments....

Neo: What the--? Now your title makes even less sense! And there's not supposed to be any spoon!

Fuyu: What exactly are the "Zeeky words"?

Alexia: I love that icon linked in your sig. Just sayin'.

Sa'ar Chasm 08-05-2004 07:04 PM

I had a dream once where I was eating guacamole Doritos in a pool.

I had never eaten guacamole Doritos prior to that (and after that dream I never wanted to).

My dreams rarely make sense, and I seldom remember them (which is probably for the best).

Ginga 08-05-2004 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke

Fuyu: What exactly are the "Zeeky words"?

LOL, ever seen The Demented Cartoon Movie?

If you're going to watch it, you better set aside half an hour. :P

Alexia 08-06-2004 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Off-topic comments....

Alexia: I love that icon linked in your sig. Just sayin'.

LOL, why thank you :mrgreen: See what happens when sunburn forces you to sit in front of your computer all day and play with gif animators and paint :lol: I wouln't be too worried about the content...i love children but I couldn't eat a whole one :wink: Maybe with the help of the sheep :wink:

Sa'ar Chasm 08-07-2004 06:04 AM

I had a dream the other night that my wisdom teeth were falling out - just hanging by threads.

The really weird part is that I had them wrenched from my jaw several years ago.

Opium 08-07-2004 07:08 AM

Hmmm, let me see...well, last night I dreamt my college classes had moved to a small island, where there were also grade 12 theatre classes. There was a small train going around the island. And I was to audition for a play in a ballet studio, but I could not remember the lower notes of the song, and kept singing in a monotone. Also, we had to rollerblade.

It was just a very odd dream.

taya17 08-08-2004 01:56 PM

Last night Bruce Boxleitner appeared in my dream--again.

Bruce Boxleitner happens to be <a href = " _key=Boxleitner,%20Bruce">this</a> guy (together with his wife Melissa Gilbert).

He's got a pretty-boy face, but he's not someone I want to appear in my dreams. Good lord *shudder* WHY?

I am terribly, terribly traumatized.

On the other hand, this isn't as bad as the time I dreamt that I was holding hands with the guy. I'm pretty sure I woke up screaming, or at least I started to when I woke up.

PointyHairedJedi 08-08-2004 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by taya17
Last night Bruce Boxleitner appeared in my dream--again.

Ah, this is interesting. It seems that perhaps Mia Furlan is not the object of your affections after all then, hmm? ;)

Nic Corelli 08-10-2004 07:42 PM

It`s Mira, not Mia. :P :twisted:

catalina_marina 08-10-2004 07:49 PM

And since 17 doesn't seem to be around...


Vedra 08-10-2004 07:51 PM

When did Melissa Gilbert get so sexy?

catalina_marina 08-10-2004 07:55 PM

Melissa Whobert? :roll:

Nic Corelli 08-11-2004 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Tarn-Vedra
When did Melissa Gilbert get so sexy?

I wouldn`t know.



Opium 08-12-2004 07:49 PM

Weird dream: Friend's band turned into Incubus, with posters up everywhere, and apperently I was stage manager or something, but I didn't feel like going to the show.

Erm, just felt like sharing.

Ginga 08-12-2004 09:25 PM

I had a dream that I was in an ER and there were all these doctors around me... none of which looked like any of the cast of ER, unfortunatley... X_x. There was one doctor in front of me getting a needle ready and watching my heart monitor, and all of a sudden her face started to look panicked. I started trying to get up and I was yelling, "What!? What's wrong! What's happening!? Oh my God, am I dying!?" Then all the doctors swarmed on me trying to hold me down and make me feel better, somebody stuck a needle in me, and then I started blacking out because... well... I was dying. X_x

Then I commanded myself to wake up, whereupon I did wake up. I sat in bed for a while very disturbed before going back to sleep for another round of really weird dreams.

I seemed to be on a dreaming high last night. All I did was dream. Dream dream dream dream dream. :?

Somwhere in there I had a dream where Jadzia Dax came back to life... I've never even seen the episode where she dies. :?

MaverickZer0 08-13-2004 04:39 PM

I had a dream where I was a cat-person...and this falls into the 'thinking you are an anime character in a dream' category, because I was Chaud in the dream....worst, I had to live with Lan for some reason...

But that's not the weirdest dream. I usually have a dream where I'm running around a high school with all these big white buildings trying to find my classes and I have no idea where they all are. And there's a huge clock on the front of the school. Which is weird, because my school is very small, and we have about half as many clocks as rooms.

Chaud_Blaze 08-15-2004 05:26 PM

i once had a dream where i was in a chat room and nothing made sense and everyone was talking in a strange language and i couldn't make heads or tails of it oh wait sorry that was when i accidently entered an aol chat room sry nevermind. But Mav from an amatuer psychollogist point of view i would say you're having trouble facing reality but since i'm not an amatuer psychologist i'll go with you're totally loco

NAHTMMM 08-25-2004 02:42 PM

Ick. ...Based on my dreams, one would think that Missouri's entrance ramps are flimsier than a rubber band and weigh about the same... o_O ...and for pity's sake, last night one was actually standing free at the upper end (they ALWAYS go from high to low in my dreams)! I saw it and wished they'd built it two or three feet closer to the local road, then fed myself some nonsense to the effect that it has to be a certain shape at the top and a certain distance from the local road so that the physics work out and the people who drive the high speed limit just go from the road to the ramp without a bump. As if having a gap between road and ramp were normal--I honestly believe my subconscious had completely forgotten that the things are supposed to be connected! :?

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