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Kira 09-07-2004 01:12 AM

September 6: 5MNG 3rd Anniversary, day 2

Back with day two of the 5MNG birthday festivities, and here's another trio of fivers. Today, we've got another contribution from Wade, Five-Minute "Legacy." Secondly, just in time for Labour Day, the Enterprise gives birth in Five-Minute "Emergence," co-written by Nic Corelli and Sa'ar Chasm. Last but not least, Five-Minute "Sarek" by IJD GAF and yo' momma. (No, just IJD GAF.)

In other news, let's hear it for Space Channel and their Labour Day Voyager Viewer's Choice Marathon! (Let's also hear it for my lab experiment not working, landing me home in time to catch most of the good stuff!) Sweeeet.

NAHTMMM 09-07-2004 02:15 AM


Riker: Oh no, only Federation types get to play with these guns.
Hayne: Come on, we only want a piece of the action.

Ishara: And I'm going to go be trustworthy, over by the fusion reactor. Alone.
Heheheh. :mrgreen: Good stuff.


Data: Oh brave new world, that has such trains in it... Wait. Trains?
(divers alarums)


La Forge: Curious. The Enterprise detected a dangerous anomaly and jumped to warp to save us, even though the anomaly was undetectable.
Picard: I suggest modifying the sensors to detect that now.
La Forge: Nah, what are the odds of running into it twice?

Data: It appears the ship is under control of the Holodeck.
Riker: Why should today be any different?

Worf: What's that?
Guy: A puzzle. Want to help?
Worf: Sure. How do you kill it?
:lol: Lots of other great stuff in this one too.


Riker: What's going on in here? I haven't heard people insulting each other's mothers since before I was born.
LaForge: Yo mom--
Riker: Don't.

Troi: Your story isn't unique. Either that style of insult is back in style, or more likely, some strange presence is affecting the crew. Such as your mother.
Crusher: Arg.

Picard: !ytaeM ,mmM ?ti teg, nacluV enasni na m'I ? em dnatsrednu ydobon naC
Crusher: Ah, Picard... you're crazier than a sack full of drunken badgers.
Heheheh :mrgreen: I like the blurb too.

Sa'ar Chasm 09-07-2004 02:31 AM


Goon 1: Whose crystal is going off?
Goon 2: Its Logan's! Run!
Gaaah! It hurts (but in a good way)!


Perrin: Still having trouble meditating?
Sarek: Yes. It's a little embarrassing.
Perrin: I'm sure it happens to other guys too....
Sarek: NO IT.... No it doesn't.


Crusher: ....and then, Wesley and I broke into a round of "your mother" jokes. For some reason or another, he won.


Sarek: You accuse me of having a disease. Present your arguments rationally.
Picard: A= Sarek, B= crying, C= Bendii Syndrome, E=illogic. If A=B and B=E and E=C, then A=C.
Sarek: D=B! X=had something in his eye. D=X!
Picard: Y= a lie. X=Y, Y=E, and still, A=C
Sarek: But if X=Y, and Y+A=E, then E-A=Y!
Illogic is only a lie if someone other than Sarek does it.


Crusher: Ah, Picard... you're crazier than a sack full of drunken badgers.
Badgers? We don't need no steenking badgers!


Data: The ship is developing self-determined intelligence. It is emerging....
La Forge: After it has been long submerged....
Worf: But now the nodes have merged....
Riker: And the intelligence has reemerged....
Picard: And caused us quite an... emergency?
What the hell were we thinking?


Riker: How can you say that? What if it's building an army of Evil Lemmings of Doom?
Troi: We'll push them off a cliff, then.
17, I disclaim any responsibility for this one. I blame Nic.


La Forge: Captain, this panel has no nodes.
Picard: (over comm) Then how does it smell?
This one, however, I accept blame (and beatings) for.

Derek 09-07-2004 03:08 AM


Ishara: (gulp) How much does she need?
Riker: Just enough to prove you're not a changeling.
Heh. Nice one, Wade.


Picard: Murdered by the Orient Express. How ironic.
Heh. Way to go, Nic and Sa'ar.

And IJD, "Your mother" jokes are never out of style. If you don't believe me, just ask your mom.

Zeke 09-07-2004 03:37 AM

Since Kira declined to use this in the newspost, I'll have to tell it to you all directly: don't you think Labour Day is the perfect day for an episode where the Enterprise gives birth? :D

Fantastic fivers, all four of you. If this event is typical, 5MNG is heading into its greatest year yet.

Sa'ar Chasm 09-07-2004 03:43 AM

Uhh, Zeke?


Secondly, just in time for Labour Day, the Enterprise gives birth in Five-Minute "Emergence,"

Fantastic fivers, all four of you.
Awww, you're too kind <blush>

Kira 09-07-2004 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm
Uhh, Zeke?

I second that, along with a not-so-muffled snicker. (What I said was, oh darn, I can't use it if we switch the order of the fivers. Which we then didn't.)


Originally Posted by Derek
And IJD, "Your mother" jokes are never out of style. If you don't believe me, just ask your mom.

Bah-dum-bum-ching! Loved the mother jokes, particularly:


Crusher: Captain, Counselor Troi and I have developed a few working hypotheses about what's causing this strange behavior among the crew.
Picard: How many of these theories don't involve my mother?
Crusher: One.
Also, the Tuvok/Endgame reference. (Ah, IJD... it's funnier than a barrel of weasels on crack.)

Zeke 09-07-2004 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Kira

Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm
Uhh, Zeke?

I second that, along with a not-so-muffled snicker.

Yep, I earned that. For not the first and not the last time, I've missed something that was right in front of me. Stay tuned for next week when I survive getting shot in the face by simply not noticing.

And as always, I was flattered by the reference to one of my fivers (Endgame this time, as you say, Kira). You staffers are doing more and more of that lately. I think it's a plot.

ijdgaf 09-07-2004 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke

Originally Posted by Kira

Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm
Uhh, Zeke?

I second that, along with a not-so-muffled snicker.

Yep, I earned that. For not the first and not the last time, I've missed something that was right in front of me. Stay tuned for next week when I survive getting shot in the face by simply not noticing.

And as always, I was flattered by the reference to one of my fivers (Endgame this time, as you say, Kira). You staffers are doing more and more of that lately. I think it's a plot.

Just wait till you read [NAME OF FIVER OMITTED].

:D :wink:

mudshark 09-07-2004 07:04 AM

Good bits ...

from "Legacy" (of the many references and allusions)

Hayne: The Alliance is holding your men. Our Coalition could get them back if we had some of your fancy heaters.
Riker: Oh no, only Federation types get to play with these guns.
Hayne: Come on, we only want a piece of the action. Besides, we're much better than the Alliance. We don't even have a draft!
Riker: A coalition of the willing eh? We shall consider your offer.
Worf: You want me to sponsor your application to Starfleet Academy?
Ishara: Frankly, I think I can be quite an asset to Starfleet. With my extensive experience I could skip the lower ranks entirely and begin my career as a Commander. Maybe you should suggest that in your letter. Tell them you'd be honored to serve under me.
Worf: You have no desire to join Starfleet, do you?
Ishara: No, I'm afraid I don't.
Worf: Then why all this deception?
Ishara: Because lying is a skill like any other and if you want to maintain a level of excellence you have to practice constantly.
Worf: (to Riker) At the first sign of betrayal I will kill her, but I promise to return the body intact.
Sweet, that last. 8)

from "Emergence"

Conductor: Let me see your tickets.
Data: Um....
Conductor: I find your lack of tickets disturbing.
Riker: Let me do the talking. I know how to handle these situations. (waving fingers) You don't need to see our tickets.
Worf: We're not with him.
Heh. And "meese". Heh heh heh.

Worf: Whoopee yeeba yeeba!
Now, that's just silly.

from "Sarek"

Perrin: (Thanks for changing the concert last minute)
Picard: (No problem; none of us like the "La La Lojix" either.)
Riker: I take it everything went according to plan?
Sarek: Heheheh. Of course.
Riker: Why the snickering?
Sarek: Oh, it's up to you. Just think of something funny that Picard knows about you.
Riker's having a tough time of it this week, isn't he? :mrgreen:

Another fine crop. Good job, all! :D

(Sa'ar & Nic, something early on in your fiver seemed to hint at "How the Animals of the Wood Sent Out A Scientific Expedition", but I may have only been imagining it -- wouldn't be the first time.)

Alexia 09-07-2004 07:17 AM

OK, 3 more :shock: :mrgreen:

I read Sa'ar's and nics first, purely for this quote:

La Forge: Captain, this panel has no nodes.
Picard: (over comm) Then how does it smell?
I LOVE IT! Sa'ar, you rock boy 8) The old one's are always the best :wink:



Picard: There's moose in that nebula!
(sparkly SFX)
How very Janeway :wink: :lol:


Troi: Let's interact with the characters to gain valuable clues. Just don't arouse the suspicions of the Belgian with the funny moustache.
Poirot makes his fiver debut? :wink:

Nicely done guys. TO THE BATCAV--I mean, NEXT FIVER!

Sa'ar Chasm 09-07-2004 04:21 PM


Sa'ar & Nic, something early on in your fiver seemed to hint at "How the Animals of the Wood Sent Out A Scientific Expedition", but I may have only been imagining it -- wouldn't be the first time.
A scathing satire of 19th century science's pomposity...but I can't quite see the similarity. Which bits hinted at it?

PointyHairedJedi 09-07-2004 09:40 PM

All very funny. Though some of "Emergence" pretty much sucked - all the bits that you'd imagine being said in a Croatian accent, strangely.


Nic Corelli 09-07-2004 10:53 PM

:P :P :P

**Nic unleashes Oddity on Pointy, takes steroids and goes to read 5 fivers in a row...**

mudshark 09-07-2004 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm

Sa'ar & Nic, something early on in your fiver seemed to hint at "How the Animals of the Wood Sent Out A Scientific Expedition", but I may have only been imagining it -- wouldn't be the first time.
A scathing satire of 19th century science's pomposity...but I can't quite see the similarity. Which bits hinted at it?

The perils of many years of reading; my mind makes associations that weren't intended -- in this case between the appearance of the train in the second scene and the appearance of the "Vernal Equinox" in the middle of Part 1 of the Twain. (It's been years since I read that story; at first I couldn't even remember for sure who had written it.)

Sa'ar Chasm 09-08-2004 12:06 AM


my mind makes associations that weren't intended -- in this case between the appearance of the train in the second scene and the appearance of the "Vernal Equinox" in the middle of Part 1 of the Twain.
Well, there was an train in the episode, so you can blame the original writer.

Wade, The Sane Commodore 09-08-2004 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
Though some of "Emergence" pretty much sucked

To quote Scotty, "Easy laddie, everyone's entitled to an opinion." Now, with that said, I'm not sure that that sort of second-guessing of a fiver is really necessary, after all, if I stopped writing fivers just because mine suck, well, where'd be the fun in that? And there is nothing holding you back from writing more than one fiver yourself.

Xeroc 09-08-2004 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by Wade, The Sane Commodore

Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
Though some of "Emergence" pretty much sucked

To quote Scotty, "Easy laddie, everyone's entitled to an opinion." Now, with that said, I'm not sure that that sort of second-guessing of a fiver is really necessary, after all, if I stopped writing fivers just because mine suck, well, where'd be the fun in that? And there is nothing holding you back from writing more than one fiver yourself.

I might be misreading but I think Pointy's comment was just a joke about Nic:

Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
All very funny. Though some of "Emergence" pretty much sucked - all the bits that you'd imagine being said in a Croatian accent, strangely.


See that ;) ? I think he's just kidding - and if I'm wrong - may lightning strike me down from where I type!

(*looks nervously up in the sky*)

Zeke 09-08-2004 03:32 AM

Two things. One, I'm sure Xeroc's right about what PHJ meant. Two, PHJ has written more than one fiver -- you've just only seen one. ;)

ijdgaf 09-08-2004 03:40 AM


Spectre of the Gun
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

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