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Zeke 08-12-2006 06:50 AM

August 11
<p>Well, <i>this</i> is interesting. A few days ago I discovered the <a href="">Star Trek Inspirational Posters</a> page through a hitcounter referral. It's a nifty idea, very well executed, and you'll notice that several of the jokes are from this site. Lines are taken with credit from fivers by Kira, Nic Corelli, and Sa'ar. (What, none of mine?) So I saved the link to post in an upcoming update.
<p>Turns out I didn't need to save it. EVERYONE coming to this site comes from that one now. I have no idea where the sudden popularity surge came from, but not only is it breaking her server, it's breaking our hitcount records. Yesterday we got <i>2450 hits</i>. (That should not be a record for us in our seventh year of operation, but I digress....) Anyway, I never say no to publicity, so here's a welcome to anyone coming here from there. We have a ton of stuff besides the original Star Trek, so be sure to look around. And those who were here already, go check out the posters, they're funny.

mudshark 08-12-2006 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 69566)
Lines are taken with credit from fivers by Kira, Nic Corelli, and Sa'ar.

I'd glanced at these, but hadn't paid attention to the attributions. Nice of them. :)

(What, none of mine?)
It's probably just a matter of time -- this site seems to have added at least a page's worth of new posters in the last few days.

There were also some similar Firefly posters in a thread over at TBBS a couple of weeks ago. I'll post a link if I can still find/remember it.

Scooter 08-12-2006 07:51 AM

We should do some of our own. It'd be kind of like that "Five Second Star Trek" we're always talking about...

Zeke 08-12-2006 03:28 PM

We can still do five-seconders if we want, we just haven't lately.


Originally Posted by mudshark (Post 69567)
It's probably just a matter of time

Actually, the one who really has reason to complain is IJD. He's responsible for more TOS fivers than anyone else. But it sounded funnier to complain about my own non-representation.


There were also some similar Firefly posters in a thread over at TBBS a couple of weeks ago.
I've seen BSG versions at the TWOP forums. These things are easy to make now, thanks to sites like Motivator., however, got there first and still reigns supreme.

mudshark 08-12-2006 05:29 PM

Here's that thread, btw. Not sure how long it will stay before it gets purged, but there are some funny ones.

Wowbagger 09-05-2006 09:28 PM

I believe that the ST Inspirational Posters were recently Slashdotted, meaning their traffic suddenly jumped by about 1,000,000 hits/day, and we got the secondary shockwaves of that. In case anyone was still wondering.

Most amusing.

evay 09-15-2006 08:21 PM

Oh, I meant to mention -- some of my readers and I have put together some ENT motivational posters, if anyone's interested... 8) Contributions welcome.

PointyHairedJedi 09-16-2006 10:05 AM

Hehe. Nice. :D

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