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Zeke 04-02-2006 12:30 AM

April 1

The time has come! In the last couple of days, I've spoken of a decision I was making, a realization I was coming to. Now I can finally reveal what that realization is.

Those of you who have been coming here for a long time know that my greatest frustration about sf fandom is what I call the "basher mentality." It's what happens when you let your hatred of something decide your opinions for you, particularly when hating that thing is in. The canonical example is Voyager-bashing. A lot of fans decided early on that they hated Voyager, and not only did they never bother to re-examine that view, but they let it form a basis for their other views. Voyager was terrible, therefore shows like Babylon 5, Farscape, and Buffy were infinitely superior, and Brannon Braga was either an evil mastermind or just a fool (sometimes both at once).

The basher mentality can now be seen in almost any fandom. You get shows it's hip to hate (Enterprise) and shows it's hip to worship (Veronica Mars). In a The OC forum I visit, you can like the show as long as you're careful to show contempt for it too, and Marissa must be universally loathed. Anyone in the Metroid sequence-breaking community is expected to despise Metroid Fusion and fall at the feet of Metroid Prime. It's "snark," it's intellectual laziness, and Television Without Pity can tell you that right now it's about the most popular thing on the net.

Why fight it?

This is my epiphany: it's time to lay down my burdens. Basher fandoms are right. Kira was right. This is what sells. Falling into line, liking and hating what I'm told to, these are the things that make me better than other people. And ending sentences like this? Is totally cool.

So I'm giving in -- and Jammer and evay have taught me the perfect way to do that. From now on this is Five-Minute Battlestar Galactica, where Ron Moore is God and all things bend to his will! The front page will direct you to our newest and only subsite. I was so caught up with my epiphany that I haven't had time to write the actual fivers yet, but don't worry, they'll show the appropriate deference.

A bold new era has begun. So say we all!

(Note: The blurbs contain spoilers. And if you let yourself get spoiled about this unbelievable show, I will personally hunt you down like a dog, so don't.)

ualleverybody 04-02-2006 02:59 AM


Opium 04-02-2006 04:01 AM

Oh no! I post less for a little while, and looks what happens! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

FOR THE LIFE OF TOPHATMAN AND JOHN...please don't punish me from writing in all caps!


MaverickZer0 04-02-2006 07:07 AM

For shame, Zeke. For shame.

Burt 04-02-2006 07:43 AM

It's weird.
I must admit, I'm not entirely perceptive. I may not notice when a friend gets a new hair cut. And I only just noticed my computer doesn't have a floppy disk drive - after 9 months, but do I try to take things in. I mean, I did really well on all those memory games/tests at the Natural History Museum in London (if you've been there, you'll know what I'm talking about).
So when I logged-on, my spider-sense's immediately told me something wasn't right. I just couldn't put my finger on it...
Words were wrong. Thing's were in different places. Stuff was missing.
I felt out of place, a 'Fish out of Water' if you will.
I had to lie down.
After some Dutch courage (well Tea, Actually) I returned to investigate.
I was right! Things were different! And then I found it - A message, speaking of great change.
So now I ask?
When's the other site back, cos I wanted to read that new Babylon 5 Fiver?

Lostoyannaya 04-02-2006 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Burt
It's weird.
I must admit, I'm not entirely perceptive. I may not notice when a friend gets a new hair cut. And I only just noticed my computer doesn't have a floppy disk drive - after 9 months, but do I try to take things in. I mean, I did really well on all those memory games/tests at the Natural History Museum in London (if you've been there, you'll know what I'm talking about).
So when I logged-on, my spider-sense's immediately told me something wasn't right. I just couldn't put my finger on it...
Words were wrong. Thing's were in different places. Stuff was missing.
I felt out of place, a 'Fish out of Water' if you will.
I had to lie down.
After some Dutch courage (well Tea, Actually) I returned to investigate.
I was right! Things were different! And then I found it - A message, speaking of great change.
So now I ask?
When's the other site back, cos I wanted to read that new Babylon 5 Fiver?

Just tea did it for you? I needed half a barrel of sugar and a hard slap!

Remember, Zeke: Because stuff is short and Trek is long. I think that's how it went...

PointyHairedJedi 04-02-2006 12:35 PM

I for one welcome our new alien overlords (or words to that effect).

Zeke, I am glad that you have finally come to your senses. This one change more than makes up for all the crap you've pulled in the past :D

Derek 04-02-2006 06:05 PM

Re: April 1

Originally Posted by Zeke
The basher mentality can now be seen in almost any fandom. You get shows it's hip to hate (Enterprise) and shows it's hip to worship (Veronica Mars). In a The OC forum I visit, you can like the show as long as you're careful to show contempt for it too, and Marissa must be universally loathed.

I've tried to figure out where Smallville is on the gusher/basher mentality thing. I for one have been annoyed by Smallville since S2, and these days I see lots of people on message boards who dislike it. But just this weekend I mentioned it in a group of friends and one of the guys in the group apparently likes the show a lot. So I don't know if there is a set response to the show.

Re: BSG. I'm sorry, world! I'm sorry! I still haven't watched the show! I know that means I am only living a half-life, like the walking dead or radioactive particles, but I promise I WILL watch it at some point. Please forgive me!

Oh and regarding,

I think Alias did that too.

Gatac 04-02-2006 06:17 PM




I like Sydney

Chancellor Valium 04-02-2006 06:37 PM


Mhm. After a minor brain haemorrhage, heart attack, simultaneous total body function failure and regeneration, I must say this news shocked me a little.

...If you'll excuse me, I'm off to my orb on Tyree.

ualleverybody 04-02-2006 07:20 PM

agree, love the idea of the new site, but when will there actually be some new bsg fivers

KillerGodMan 04-02-2006 11:02 PM

Wait ONE minute!

If YOU want to replace everything with 5MBSG, WE get to yell at you, more often then normal, until you bring back 5ME, then that's okay.

Also, I have your Hammer of Smiting

Scooter 04-03-2006 02:08 AM

Re: April 1

Originally Posted by Derek
I've tried to figure out where Smallville is on the gusher/basher mentality thing. I for one have been annoyed by Smallville since S2, and these days I see lots of people on message boards who dislike it. But just this weekend I mentioned it in a group of friends and one of the guys in the group apparently likes the show a lot. So I don't know if there is a set response to the show.

I think you're right about Smallville not having really vocal hate groups. Perhaps because they're still busy trying to get Lois & Clark completely purged from the record. And they're also gearing up to hate Superman Returns.

Zeke 04-03-2006 04:04 AM

I'd just like to take a moment here to curse Derek's name unto the fifth generation for quoting a huge-ass spoiler in his post with no warning. I've removed it. When I have a minute I'll remove Derek. (He's admitted he doesn't watch BSG, what good is he?)

Gatac was just answering Derek, so he lives... this time.


Originally Posted by KillerGodMan
If YOU want to replace everything with 5MBSG, WE get to yell at you, more often then normal, until you bring back 5ME, then that's okay.

You can yell till you're blue in the face, but that Trek stuff is never coming back. Ever. EVER.

So get used to it.


PointyHairedJedi 04-03-2006 10:13 AM

So... shouldn't you have replaced all the country flags with the flags of the Twelve Colonies already? I mean, you are serious about this whole thing, aren't you?

Aren't you?

Derek 04-03-2006 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
I'd just like to take a moment here to curse Derek's name unto the fifth generation for quoting a huge-ass spoiler in his post with no warning. I've removed it. When I have a minute I'll remove Derek. (He's admitted he doesn't watch BSG, what good is he?)

Oops. Sorry. I forgot that the stuff is spoiler-ish.

Lostoyannaya 04-03-2006 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by KillerGodMan
Wait ONE minute!

If YOU want to replace everything with 5MBSG, WE get to yell at you, more often then normal, until you bring back 5ME, then that's okay.

Also, I have your Hammer of Smiting

Here, here! Bring back 5ME!! 5ME DAMN YOU!

~~Lostoyannaya :wink:

Gatac 04-03-2006 12:54 PM

Yes! Cheated death again!


Sydney and Vaughn, sitting in a tree...

Alexia 04-03-2006 05:25 PM

I tried to change my avvy to something BSG related (even though i've never seen it *coughs*) but it doesnt seem to be working...

Asky 04-03-2006 07:03 PM

Hmmm, I seem to understand now... This plot has really been in the making for a while now, regardless of whatever Zeke says. Can't you see it? The removal of the "V" from 5MV was the first step! You've brought this upon yourselves!

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