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Burt 01-31-2007 06:02 PM

What would you like back?
A bit crappy, I know. I'm sure it's been asked a thousand times before. I just want to know what you would bring back on the new series of Doctor Who if you could. I know some people aren't happy with some of the missing things, (while others hate the whole thing), so if you could bring something back, like, The old style TARDIS room...jumpers with question marks on...etc, what would it be?

Me first.
It's in the title credits.
Well there is the music, which do like, (It certainly is fast and rousing), but I feel it's kinda lost(That loving feeling?) the scary-ness...Listen to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd doctors music...It's soooo weird. It's spooky and crackley. Now it's been cleaned up and it's all brass band like. Which is fine...but I miss the spookyness of the old stuff.
But. It's not the music.
If I was to change one thing it would be the 'face showing' bit in the credits. Ok, it may be corny...but I did like seeing the Doctors face come up, almost melting into place. That was spooky! And now it's gone. I know it wasn't in the 1st doctors credits, but all the others had it, and I think it's kinds broken the chain now, not having Niney and Tennent faces being shown.
Pity that.

Zeke 01-31-2007 10:04 PM

I'd bring back Enterprise.

Yes, on Doctor Who. It's better than nowhere.

Sa'ar Chasm 01-31-2007 11:15 PM

Romana. The second, younger one. She was gorgeous, and I say thing having seen only pictures.

Granted, she's probably 60 by now, but we're playing pretend.

Nate the Great 02-01-2007 06:43 AM

How about a version on network TV? Is that a valid request?

Since you guys apparently know more about this than I do, but does Who out-British-humor h2g2?

Burt 02-01-2007 11:21 AM

Not the episodes that were written by Douglas Adams.....

Personally, while I love Hitchhiker, I still think Doctor Who's humor is better.

I mean there are some golden quotes...:
Pyramids of Mars
The Doctor: Well, Mr Scarman, I really must congratulate you for inventing the radio telescope 40 years early.
Laurence Scarman: That, sir, is a Marconiscope. It's purpose is...
The Doctor: to receive radio emissions from the stars.
Laurence Scarman: [beat] How could you possibly know that?
The Doctor: Well, you see, Mr Scarman, I have the advantage of being slightly ahead of you. Sometimes behind you, but usually ahead of you.
Laurence Scarman: I see.
The Doctor: I'm sure you don't but it's very nice of you to try.

The Doctor: Deactivating a generator loop without the correct key is like repairing a watch with a hammer and chisel; one false move and you'll never know the time again.
Sarah Jane: Any more comforting thoughts?
The Doctor: No. Just let me know if it starts to get hot.
Sarah Jane: Don't worry. You'll hear me breaking the sound barrier!

The leisure Hive
Pangol: How did you get out?
The Doctor: Through a hole in the back.
Pangol: But there isn't one
The Doctor: [Holds up sonic screwdriver.] There is now!


Nate the Great 02-01-2007 04:06 PM

I suppose that if DNA liked Who and wanted to write for it, it can't be all bad. But to return to my original point, it's not on regular TV.

PointyHairedJedi 02-01-2007 08:25 PM

I would like a little of the endearing daftness to return. Much as I love this return to our screens, and what RTD has brought to Who, it's lost a lot of what made me love the classic series to begin with.

Nate the Great 02-02-2007 12:57 AM

Daftness? That's a word?

mudshark 02-02-2007 03:16 AM

PointyHairedJedi 02-02-2007 06:50 PM

As mudshark said, it's a perfectly cromulent word.

Nate the Great 02-03-2007 12:40 AM

Show off.

Chancellor Valium 02-11-2007 12:28 AM


What about:
SJS: I'm from 1980.
Scarman: That is absolutely preposterous, Ms Smith.
SJS: Yes. Sorry.

I'd like the Doctor back.

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