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Heiwa 11-24-2004 07:43 AM

Greetings and salutations!
I was talking with someone who told me he loved this website. I was glad to see it was still around, and then it occurred to me that once, just once, I submitted something to the Great Zeke that was worthy of being posted!

So, I guess I'm back, and currently in negotiatons (read as: begging) to submit a couple DS9 Fivers, or others. Hi!


(The sig explains my Five Minutes of fame. ;)

Alexia 11-24-2004 09:05 AM

Greetings to the forums! :mrgreen:

*passes out welcome pie*

Chancellor Valium 11-24-2004 12:45 PM

Indeed! *passes out welcoming pie again*

Gatac 11-24-2004 02:40 PM

Ah, splendid! Another vict^b^b^b^b honored guest! Why don't you take a seat, Igor will be along shortly with the poiso^b^b^b^b^b refreshments!


Chancellor Valium 11-24-2004 07:23 PM

Ignore Gatac (slightly quieter) he's the oddball of the family you know, (much louder) but quite bright too - aren't you Gatac!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

PointyHairedJedi 11-24-2004 07:45 PM

Ahhh! An outsider! How did it get in? Quickly, lets kill it and hide it under the floorboards!

What's that, nurse? Time for medication again?

Zeke 11-24-2004 09:02 PM

Hey, it's Heiwa! Haven't heard from you in ages. Cool to see you.

Were you following 5MV during the Five-Minute Cheese event? There was a link in the Survivor parody that I think you'll find interesting. ;)

Ginga 11-24-2004 10:05 PM

Hiya! Welcome to our humble home.

And I must notice, since my name is in Japanese, that yours seems to be, too! As far as I know, it means "peace".

But of course, it could just be a painful coincidence.

Anywho... that's all I wrote. :lol:

Heiwa 11-24-2004 10:10 PM

Thank you one and all for your kind greetings. And you too, Mr. Jedi. ;)

Zeke, no I had quite forgotten about Voyager: Survivor, but I see it has been left unfinished. Maybe a project to work on ...

I think I shall try to reinvigorate my parody vein with some DS9 first, though.

Indeed, Mr. Ginga. Heiwa means "peace" in Japanese. Make love, not war, that's always been Kira Nerys' motto, right?


Zeke 11-24-2004 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Heiwa
Make love, not war, that's always been Kira Nerys' motto, right?

In what possible, conceivable, imaginable way was that EVER even CLOSE to Kira's motto?

It's close to Intendant Kira's motto, though. Just trade the "not" for an "and."

NAHTMMM 11-24-2004 11:44 PM

Good to see you here, Heiwa! :)

MaverickZer0 11-25-2004 12:41 AM

Welcome to the boards. May you enjoy the same insanity as everyone else here, as well as the pielike goodness of the Weekend Chat.

Subliminal message: Shun the light. Embrace the dark...join the ranks of the shadows...
Ah, pie! Key lime! I wouldn't mind a slice myself!

Ginga 11-25-2004 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Heiwa
Indeed, Mr. Ginga. Heiwa means "peace" in Japanese. Make love, not war, that's always been Kira Nerys' motto, right?


Oh, that stings. :wink:

KillerGodMan 11-25-2004 04:02 AM

Yes welcome, now, a Few things to know around here *pulls out long list* What? This? That's my shopping list, your's is much smaller:

- Hotaru is a Guy
- Tern - Verda is a Guy
- Only I where the pants around here!

That's all you need to know.


Kira 11-25-2004 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by KillerGodMan
- Only I where the pants around here!

Lost your pants, KGM? <g> Dang, I hate it when that happens.

KillerGodMan 11-25-2004 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by Kira

Originally Posted by KillerGodMan
- Only I where the pants around here!

Lost your pants, KGM? <g> Dang, I hate it when that happens.

Yeah, but you expect that when Pantsman is your avitar

Xeroc 11-25-2004 06:43 AM

Welcome, Heiwa, to the Five-Minute Voyager Forums!*

Also, don't forget to come to the Weekend IRC!
(It's at my IRC server,

Have Fun! :D

*Not reccomended to mix with other medications or to operate heavy machinery after using.

AKAArzosah 11-25-2004 09:08 AM

Ni Hao!
Buenos Dias!

Damn, that's two in Spanish. Hmm...

Konitchiwa! (Or however it's supposed to be spelt)
Nope, I'm out...

I'm better with goodbyes. Gee, that says a lot about my personality doesn't it?
Welcome aboard, anywho.

Anonymous 11-25-2004 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga

Oh, that stings. :wink:

Sumimasen, Ginga-san. :P

Shoulda gone with that anyway, much safer.

Heiwa 11-25-2004 09:54 AM

Greetings and salutations.

Originally Posted by Arzosah
Konitchiwa! (Or however it's supposed to be spelt)
Nope, I'm out...

Hajimemashite and doozo yoroshiku (nice to meet you) work well. But of course the latter only works once. My Japanese textbook says hajimemashite means "How do you do?", but really it doesn't, the teacher said. Later we learned hajimarimasu as a verb means "to begin", but you don't need to hear me discuss Japanese linguistics.

Anyway thank you for the kind welcome, everyone. Oh, and Zeke & Kira, I messed up somehow but the last message was by me too. :P Sorry, Ginga-san!

So ... now that you've had a day or two ... has anyone run over to Five-Minute Voyager Season 6 to take a peek at that which is alluded to in my sig? :D

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