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mudshark 01-25-2005 05:13 PM

Well, now, that's odd (new posts issue)
For the last few days, I've been noticing some strange behavior with the board. I'll see the highlighted 5MVC*, indicating new posts in a forum, yet when I open it to look at the list of topics, nothing is highlighted as having new posts, even though there are, in fact, new posts. What's weird is that this seems to be confined to the 5MV Talk and Science Fiction fora -- Misc. behaves the way it ought to (Not sure about News, as I don't think I've seen anything new there for the last few days.

Has this been happening for anyone else, or does anyone have an idea what's going on?

* Five-Minute Voyager Clock

PointyHairedJedi 01-25-2005 06:26 PM

I can't say I've noticed anything of that sort, no. Firefox has being doing something similar on another board though, but it's not even the same board software so I think it's just coincidence.

Derek 01-25-2005 06:49 PM

I haven't noticed either. Sometimes, though, if I click on a forum and see threads with new posts, and then go away from my computer for a couple hours, and then click on the thread when I get back, the new posts will have expired. But there has to be a significant amount of time difference.

Hotaru 01-25-2005 07:28 PM

I'm having a similar problem. Sometimes new stuff just won't be highlighted. I use IE, so perhaps that's it.

Chancellor Valium 01-25-2005 08:30 PM

I use IE and have no problems. but I think im using IE5, so maybe it's a problem with 6 or something ?

richardson 01-25-2005 09:17 PM

yeah, ditto here. IE6, and no problems.

NeoMatrix 01-25-2005 10:25 PM

The topics with Announcement in the subject, or are polls are hard to tell if they have new posts. What I do is look at the date of the last post.

Xeroc 01-25-2005 11:18 PM

Well, I use two different computers (both using IE6, and sometimes Firefox) and one of them never has this problem, but the other is behind a proxy and I don't think the cookies / sessions / or something are not being saved correctly as after about 30 seconds all the new post markers disappear.

Hotaru 01-25-2005 11:42 PM

That's probably my problem Xeroc. Thanks :D

What would we do without you Xeroc?

KillerGodMan 01-26-2005 03:38 AM

I sometimes get that problem, with both Firefox AND IE it's probably some glitch

Celeste 01-26-2005 05:28 PM

I always just click on the "Show new posts" button at the top of the main page. It's easier that way. :)

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