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admiral sab 02-11-2005 07:19 PM

UPN's Response to feedback campaign


Thank you for writing to UPN. The STAR TREK legacy has spanned nearly four decades and has spawned five television series. Ten years ago, STAR TREK: VOYAGER was instrumental in helping launch UPN.

The latest incarnation, STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE, has reached the culmination of its journey. This painstaking decision came after it was recognized that despite having many loyal fans like you, the audience for the show was declining steadily. Therefore, ENTERPRISE is set to decommission and will be given a grand send-off on Friday, May 13th at 8 PM ET/PT on UPN.

This does not mean that STAR TREK is gone forever. Paramount, the studio that produced all five television series and ten feature films, is looking forward to the next chapter of the STAR TREK saga.

We know that this information may not make you feel any better but we want you to know how much we appreciate your input and we sincerely hope that you will continue to share your thoughts with us in the future.

Viewer Services
Tons of people who wrote UPN are getting this very same message in their in-boxes today. it's an automated response. LOL At Trip/T'Polers, one person was so offended by this email she sent another email in response:

Wow! A computer-generated mass reply, coming more than a week after my contacting the network! I feel like such a valued customer!


UPN really gives new meaning to the saying, "Talk is cheap." The words of your dehumanized, generic response are definitely belied by your actions. Ah well. All the more fodder for my campaign to show your advertisers just how little UPN is working to maintain viewers.

As of May 13, UPN will no longer exist for me, and I daresay, for millions of other Trek fans across the world. I will certainly enjoy reading Chapter 11 of the UPN novel How Not to Run a Successful Network.

Hasta luego.
Now it was snarky yes, but here's the reply from Viewer services:

Oh, and we were about to send you a postal response, too. What should we do with it?
Isn't that hilarious? I found this whole exchange amusing and I thought I'd share. I also found UPN's reply to be extremely rude.

Captain Proton 02-11-2005 07:27 PM

Re: UPN's Response to feedback campaign

Oh, and we were about to send you a postal response, too. What should we do with it?
i have a suggestion... :twisted:

PointyHairedJedi 02-11-2005 07:43 PM

I think someone was bored that day. ;)

Celeste 02-11-2005 08:26 PM

lol It seems like they're getting more hate mail than they accounted for. That'll teach them the lesson not to mess with Star Trek fans!! ::shakes fist::

ijdgaf 02-11-2005 08:46 PM

Re: UPN's Response to feedback campaign

Originally Posted by Captain Proton

Oh, and we were about to send you a postal response, too. What should we do with it?
i have a suggestion... :twisted:

Erm, not to derail or anything, but are you the same Captain Proton from the TrekBBS?

stripysox 02-11-2005 11:21 PM


Oh, and we were about to send you a postal response, too. What should we do with it?
Well atleast someone has a slight concept of sense of humour, even if it is misplaced.

Now we know there is a real person there somwhere.

Chancellor Valium 02-12-2005 12:28 PM

lol, this kind of thing is what you'll get. You think there wasn't outcry in 89 when DW was cancelled? they tried it three years earlier and there was major complaint. So they sabotaged the series with budgetary constraints etc and three years later tried again. Basically, once the company makes a decision they won't go back on it very quickly. The Beeb is now making a new series which I have a nasty suspicion I'm going to hate, along with lots of other fans............... :roll:

Basically, it's VS5 or nothing, IMAO :?

Captain Proton 02-12-2005 01:31 PM

Re: UPN's Response to feedback campaign

Originally Posted by ijdgaf

Originally Posted by Captain Proton

Oh, and we were about to send you a postal response, too. What should we do with it?
i have a suggestion... :twisted:

Erm, not to derail or anything, but are you the same Captain Proton from the TrekBBS?

No, i'm not.

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