Thread: December 24
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Old 12-25-2003, 03:36 AM
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Zeke Zeke is offline
The lens that flares in the night
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First off, here's Marc's new fiver: "Sins of the Father," a pivotal NG episode. Â Enjoy!

Second, the spiel I was planning to give you guys yesterday. Â Basically, 5MV is going to be moving in the near future. Â After three years of excellent service, Owen has decided to stop hosting sites; he doesn't enjoy it as much anymore, we've had a lot of trouble with the server, and it's costing him more money all the time. Â So 3Sygma is on the way out. Â Fortunately, it's not going to be in any way abrupt -- and the way I plan to do this, you readers should barely notice when the actual move occurs.

See, for years I've been tossing around the idea of getting 5MV a domain name. Â Sites tend to do that a lot earlier than we have, and I've decided it's about time. Â So very shortly I'm going to be posting a notice that we've now got the domain "" or some such. Â At that point both the 3Sygma URLs and the new ones will work, so you'll be able to use either, and I'll recommend that you switch your bookmarks and links to the latter. Â Then, when it's time to move the server, I'll just have point to the new server instead. Â If you're using the new addresses, you won't see any change. Â If you're still using 3Sygma, you'll get a redirect page, and you can change your bookmark when you get tired of seeing it.

I'll recap all this when we get the domain name. Â For now, just be aware that the move will be happening before long. Â If you're wondering where the new server will be, I don't know for certain yet, but like Buffy, I have the best plan ever. Â I'll let you know what it is if it works.

We will update tomorrow, by the way. Â I'd put up our Christmas banner but it's apparently been damaged somehow. Â I suspect Lithuanian spies.[/colorost_uid0]
__________________ because stuff is long and life is short

[03:17] FiveMinZeke: Galactica clearly needs the advanced technology of scissors, which get around the whole "yanking on your follicles" problem.
[03:17] IJD: cylons can hack any blades working in conjunction
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