Thread: April 24
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Old 04-25-2004, 07:52 PM
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Noodles And Hot Tofu! MMM
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[color=#000000ost_uid5][quoteost_uid5]Captain's Log: The incompetent captain of the Huron didn't catch the name of the aliens who attacked his ship. It's a good thing such captains don't get their own series.[/quoteost_uid5]

[quoteost_uid5]Sulu: Nothing abnormal yet, sir. Unless you count the freak sitting next to me.
Arex: Same here, on both counts.

Kirk: Well, Scotty's accent is still intact. Sickbay? How are the canaries doing?
McCoy: (over the comm) We don't use canaries anymore, Jim. We're far more sophisticated than that.
Kirk: Well, whatever you're using, is there anything out of the ordinary?
McCoy: The redshirts are still doing fine.

Kirk: Begin your scans, Mr. Arex. And this time, no punching Sulu under the console with your third arm.
Arex: Aw.
Sulu: Um, Captain?
Kirk: Ah yes. No kicking him with your third leg, either.
Arex: Aw. Anyways, the planet appears to be --
Kirk: What the heck was that?
Spock: Our plot complication, no doubt. It was due to arrive at any moment. As is our engine tr--
Scotty: (over the comm) Sir, I cannae give you warp! The engines have been completely torn apart![/quoteost_uid5]
:laugh: :laugh:

[quoteost_uid5]I pointed out that we would be able to have fun adventures like swimming in a bowl of Cheerios, but nobody else seemed to share my enthusiasm.

With any luck, I can find some friendly insect to tame and carry me in my search for the source of the pulse.[/quoteost_uid5]

[quoteost_uid5]Spock: He heard the word correctly, Jim. He walked into a beam.
Kirk: Just as long as he doesn't make a habit of it.

Sulu: Another good answer would have been "We'll know after it eats you."

Alien Intelligence: Well, you're not leaving. I hereby disable your weapons with my creepy voodoo mystical powers.

Alien Intelligence: Do not destroy yourself, tripartite creature. We all make mistakes. It is part of the human condition to....
(35 minutes later)
Alien Intelligence: ....and that, in conclusion, is why all good little beagles go to Mexican heaven.
Kirk: Your wisdom has touched our hearts, O great one. Bem, are that one feeling better?
Bem: Indeed. This one has learned a great deal from the alien mind's philosophical views.
Alien Intelligence: They are collectively known as Wayism.
Bem: Perhaps someday this one shall be a Reverend of it.
Kirk: Oh ma Gog!

Alien Intelligence: (over the comm) All these worlds are yours except for Delta Theta III. And Vagra II. Seriously, don't go there. I'd avoid Ortega too. And if you go to Z'ha'dum, you'll probably die. Other than that, knock yourselves out. Farewell.[/quoteost_uid5]
:laugh: :laugh:

Lots of funny stuff! [/colorost_uid5]
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“There must have been a point in early human history when it was actually advantageous to, when confronted with a difficult task, drop it altogether and go do something more fun, because I do that way too often for it to be anything but instinct.” -- Isto Combs
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