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Old 08-23-2004, 05:17 AM
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Nic Corelli Nic Corelli is offline
Wigging out
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Posts: 925
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:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Wacky list, NAH!


10. Sisko: "Um, that dog ate my game strategy pad! I shall now punish him accordingly by cooking it, and serving it for dinner, along with some chili" (damn, there were no chili jokes for a looong time, :twisted: )

9. "They used their evil telepathic powers on us! Evil greenbloodedpointyeared orcs! Blood! Death! Elephants!"

8. "I had a vision, from the Prophets! If the Prophets hadn`t spoken to me and said , I would have taken that third base just like that!"

7. "A bird deflected the ball... Its feathers were black... wingspan approximately one meter in diameter... Its eyes were yellow, and it had a powerful triangular BEAK! AAAAAAAAAAAH! Big scary black bird! Run! Run for your liiiiives!"

6. "Odo is to blame! He sold us out to the Vulcans! He always liked Vulcans better than us! More specifically, me! Odo always hated me! He never wanted to go for a stroll on the Promenade with me! Always refused my invitations for tea parties! Or Barbie doll exhibits! Odo doesn`t like meeeeee, :weep: :sob: :bawl:"

5. "It`s part of a Romulan plot! Those Vulcans aren`t really Vulcans! They are Romulans! It`s their most devious attempt to take over the Federation, by demoralizing us into desperate surrender, and how better to do it than beat ME in BASEBALL? I`m so devastated I already surrendered the station to them and Bajor to the Dominion. My baseball honour is lost and NOTHING MATTERS ANYMORE! (14 extra exclamation points edited out by Common Sense, in one of its RARE appeareances)

Someone else has the honour of continuing, I`m tired :P
\"Lord Eddard Stark is a proud, honourable, honest man, and his lady wife is worse.\"

~A Game of Thrones, book one of Song of Ice and Fire
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