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Old 11-08-2004, 12:38 AM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Tanngrisnir
Posts: 421

Ah. Missed a few days in there. Much to respond to. Let's take it from the simplest and go from there, shall we? Not that you have a say in this.

1) Xeroc, I mentioned Best of the Web by James Taranto because that is how I found Good News Watch, which, I believe, was only entitled Good News Watch on that page. Arthur Chrenkoff, I thought, called it something else on his blog.

2) I think if we keep the partisan hacking to this one thread, we should be okay. Of course, that's more an argument for the webmasters about what they want these forums (this forum?) to be.

3) Single issue voting/abortion: I agree, babies are no "more" human than anyone else. The evil in abortion is in the sheer volume of them. 6 million died in the Holocaust, and less than a million Americans have died in all of its wars combined. There have been a little more than 900 executions since 1976 in the U.S. There have been 45 million abortions since 1973 (3,948 a day), in just the United States!

Now, of course, I have not established the personhood of the fetus, so I will: It grows, it uses energy, it develops, and it has the potential to produce fertile offspring with other members of homo sapiens. To wit, it shares every major trait of a newborn or a pre-lingual two-year-old. Therefore, it is protected by our 14th Amendment (except in cases in which the mother who wants an abortion goes to court and her fetus receives a fair and speedy trial by jury, faces his accuser, and is spared cruel and unusual punishment).

We could go further into ensoulment, but do we really want the law to do that? The last time the Supreme Court ruled on personhood, it stated that black people were 3/5 of a person. Women, for many of the same reasons, couldn't vote until the '20s, and many of the same issues apply today in gay marriage.

No, I support the separation of church and state. For this reason, I believe abortion is the most egregious violation of our laws in the history of our country, and that is the single greatest crime against humanity in history. It ought to be immediately and flatly made illegal, and I think that our country has the best chance of doing that under the leadership of George W. Bush.

4) The only way we can watch the British election is over C-Span, the government access cable channel, which is why I'll probably be the only person in the city to do so. I must say, I'm envious of Britland's current ruler's ability to speak correctly. It would seem that England's children is learning, in addition to putting food on their families.

5) Nice political board, always in search of new members from all parties: . Low-key, small, and populated by a bunch of people with very strange senses of humor.
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