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Old 01-15-2005, 06:56 PM
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Noodles And Hot Tofu! MMM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: St Louis, MO, USA, . . .
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The Neo scene:

Neo: I'd like a Morpheus To Go, please.
Guard: Sorry, we're out of bagels.
Neo: But your ad campaign...
Guard: False advertising. Whatcha gonna do, kill us all?
has 5 votes (Pteryx, Standback, PHJ, KillerGodMan, NAHTMMM).

aaaaand...hmm...that seems to be the only, wait. Standback also voted for this part in addition:
Trinity: Knock knock.
Guard: Who's there?
Trinity: A pair of heavily armed people who are about to run roughshod over everybody in the room.
Guard: Two heavily armed people who are about to run roughshod over everybody in the room who?
Trinity: Sigh. He's even more clueless than you are.
Neo: Er, thanks, I think.

The Morpheus scene:

Smith: I need the codes to Zion!
Morpheus: Why?
Smith: Can't get past the second boss.
Morpheus: Ever tried the Drill Gun?
Smith: Now there's an idea...
has 1 vote (NAHTMMM).

Smith: Humans suck. You love pain and live through destruction. But if you give me the codes it'll do us all a favor. Follow?
Morpheus: Ever heard of "survival instinct"?
Smith: Ever heard of "Barney the Dinosaur"?
Morpheus: Uh-oh.
has 1 vote (Pteryx).

Smith: Look, would you two just leave us alone so I can rant at Morpheus about how much I hate this place?
Brown and Jones: Eh?
Smith: Er, I mean, go fetch the Comfy Chair.
Brown: GASP! Use the Comfy Chair before using the Cushions? We've never done it that way before!
Smith: Good idea. Fetch both. That ought to give me enough time.
has 2 votes (PHJ, KillerGM).

Morpheus: Morpheus says to let Morpheus go free.
Agent Smith: Heheheh. Your follow-the-leader mind tricks won't work on *me*.
Morpheus: Fine, whatever. Just don't whine about how humans stink.
Agent Smith: If you insist.
Morpheus: Ha! I didn't say "Morpheus says"!
Agent Smith: GAH! I can't believe I fell for that!
has 1 vote (Standback).

Any more votes out there?
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“There must have been a point in early human history when it was actually advantageous to, when confronted with a difficult task, drop it altogether and go do something more fun, because I do that way too often for it to be anything but instinct.” -- Isto Combs