Thread: June 4
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Old 06-29-2005, 03:59 AM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Bouncer: Just remember, now that you're in here, you can never leave.
Zeke: I think you worked at that other job too long. Hey guys. How are things going so far?
This wouldn't be the FM Enterprise Bouncer from Travis's Bar of Underused Regulars, would it? That is obscure.

But wonderful. So very wonderful. That was one of my favorite non-canon sideplots ever.

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread. Tonight, you see, is Five-Minute Catchup night, starting with Day 7 of Voyager Week. That's one down... sixty-six fivers to go. 5 hours, 30 minutes of reading, here I come! (I just had to leave town during the most content-heavy month in 5MV history, didn't I? Oh, well, I'm bound to buy at least one of these things from Zeke's signed copy business.)
Forum Lurker
CURRENTLY: I've finally dived into the "let's everybody make a fan film" Kool-Aid.
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