Thread: October 26
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Old 11-03-2005, 09:57 AM
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Nope. That newspost is from before the Smallville event, and that's the one I was referring to. If by 5MM you mean Metroid, that's unfortunately still a back-burner event -- IJD and I often talk about it, but we haven't had the time to sit down and do it yet.

Blue Midget is Hejira, for those who've forgotten. Do you want me to change your username, Hejira? 'Cause I can do that.

Originally Posted by MaverickZer0
At least Zero 4's proving easier than the first two. Three. Uh, I can't count.
I'd say it's about the same difficulty as Z3. It's much easier to pick up EX skills now, but it's harder to take advantage of bosses' elemental weaknesses. I beat the game on my third day, and while I didn't have much trouble, the final boss fight was brutal -- I used all four Sub Tanks and was still one hit away from death when I finally won. I love a battle like that. (I'm currently working on Hard Mode, where I've learned that Craft is a real bugger when you can't charge up.)

As for how good a game it was, I was very pleasantly surprised. Ever since the game came out in Japan, I've been hearing things that didn't sound good at all: few returning characters, just one Cyber-Elf, no Rod weapon, and so on. The funny thing is, while all that was true, the execution was so good that I didn't mind. Z3 was an X-series fanboy's dream, so of course I was nervous that this game was taking such a different direction, but damned if it didn't work. I barely missed the Rod with all the new Z-Knuckle weapons to try out; the new Cyber-Elf system actually felt fairer than Z3's, which was sort of overcompensating for the harshness of the first two games'.

As for the story, I don't think it was as disconnected from the rest of the series as some people say. X may not have appeared, but he gave us fair warning about that (and he does play into one awesome bit that I won't spoil in case you haven't seen it). The Guardians were due for a break -- we've already seen them as bosses and as part of the plot. The three really important Resistance characters are on the train with Zero, and most of the others are either mentioned or seen briefly. And characters aren't everything. Z4 has a very strong thematic connection with the rest of the series, especially in the awesome final scenes.

And if ever a game had an ending sure to get people talking....
__________________ because stuff is long and life is short

[03:17] FiveMinZeke: Galactica clearly needs the advanced technology of scissors, which get around the whole "yanking on your follicles" problem.
[03:17] IJD: cylons can hack any blades working in conjunction
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