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Old 05-21-2006, 02:08 PM
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evay evay is offline
But if you put the hammer in an elevator...
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Deck Four, Section Seven
Posts: 522

That was frakking brilliant. (and reminds me how much I've missed fresh ENT parodies in the last year.) Nice job! (Travis as "Speaker of the House"? hee hee) I particularly like how you managed to explain the lack of money in Federation society, thus managing to do a better job than 3/4 of the actual series in setting up the Trekiverse as we know it.

And TrinneerHammered is hardly a monster. I've only gotten two offers this week to expand it.
Any truth is better than indefinite doubt. — Sherlock Holmes
"The Adventure of the Yellow Face," Arthur Conan Doyle
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