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Old 01-22-2007, 05:32 AM
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Default January 22 (TJIB #4)

For more than half our time online, has had no better friend than TripHammered. So I'm sorry to have to report (belatedly) that evay will no longer be making regular updates. Why? Well, that part's simple: she won. TJI Brief #4: Trip hammered into submission will fill you in.

Seriously though, evay's explained her reasons, and I can definitely relate to them. Enterprise has been off the air for nearly two years, and when something ends, the internet moves on very quickly. I love B5 and Farscape, but I hardly ever visit sites about those shows anymore. Forums about the MegaMan Battle Network series went from hubs of activity to ghost towns within a few months of the final game's release. This isn't necessarily something bad about online fandom; it's just a part of the equation. We can complain about it, but it's no more productive than yelling into the wind.

evay and I have fought to stay relevant. I eventually decided to de-specialize, going from Five-Minute Voyager to (something I probably should have done sooner). evay couldn't really do that. She added BSG content, but the heart of TripHammered is its gloriously specific theme. When ENT ended, TripHammered's mission -- to recount the etc. of Charles Tucker -- ended with it. That didn't mean evay had to stop, and indeed she kept going in top form for over a year. But it did mean staying relevant would be an uphill battle.

So as much as I'll miss TripHammered, I completely understand evay's decision. This problem is on my mind just as much. Don't worry -- isn't ending, and my procrastination is a far greater threat than loss of relevance anyway. But I have ideas for keeping us moving, and this is one more reminder that I need to put them into action.

There are no true endings online. evay can bring back TripHammered or start a new site any time she wants, and I'll be there. But for now, here's a fond farewell to my favourite ENT-exclusive site. Ave atque mallet.

__________________ because stuff is long and life is short

[03:17] FiveMinZeke: Galactica clearly needs the advanced technology of scissors, which get around the whole "yanking on your follicles" problem.
[03:17] IJD: cylons can hack any blades working in conjunction
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