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Old 10-11-2007, 06:15 AM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Originally Posted by Zeke View Post
Oh, don't get me started on xkcd. That guy makes me SO MAD. I've said before that I could have been the Websnark guy -- well, I could have been the xkcd guy even more. But noooo, he's the one giving a speech at MIT on the strength of his stick figures.


Also, he's one of those smug Linux jerks who are all smug and jerky about their smug jerky Linuxness. And he can't stop pointing out all the sex he's apparently had. And -- look, I acknowledge that this is spite. I love his comics; he deserves his success. But he's yet another guy who came after me and got famous doing my kind of humour. I can't help being frustrated by that.
Keep fighting, Zeke. You've already made a breakthrough--sort of--with the unattributed quote stolen from one of your guest writers and ripped out of all surrounding context now circulating the war-torn streets of Baghdad to make a sordid political point.

xkcd is the next step. I guarantee it. I mean, you totally could have done River Tam Beats Up Everyone.

Of course, that means closing down this website and going mainstream. But it's not like there's been a Trek fiver yet this year. It would be hard to miss it any harder than we already do.

Although I freely admit I carried the Shran apology around for days afterwards. Days. Posted it in my locker. And, you know what? The Trekkies came. And they laughed.
Forum Lurker
CURRENTLY: I've finally dived into the "let's everybody make a fan film" Kool-Aid.
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