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Old 10-15-2007, 05:35 AM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
I'm not really going to judge the "worthiness" of these fivers. After all, they're better than my Ocarina of Time fiver and that's "real." I'm just saying that they're not "official."

If you want to disperse old fanfics, that's what e-mail and PMs are for.
Well, I like that idea, except that my emails and PM's have a terrific talent for going unanswered. And thus no soul ever sees them. And thus they're stuck on my chest.

I appreciate the comment about your quite enjoyable OOT fiver, though. I fear you sell yourself short, though.

Daniel Jackson: Cameo! I can’t go with you because I have that whole bit with the Replicators this season, but take a look at this eight-cypher Gate Key.

Those aren't cyphers, those are glyphs (those symbols engraved on the Gate) or chevrons (those giant V-shaped things that clamp and unclamp the glyphs).
You're right. To be totally precise, I should have used the word from the script: "symbol."

I would've added "This may be a sign of insanity" followed by the wall saying "ya think?" but that's much too obvious of a joke.
Actually, I quite like that. That's going in there.

Cute Klingon joke, but I'm still adamant that anything short of death is Ack!
Or, as IJD would have it, "TACK!"

Thanks, Nate. After four years, another human soul has read the fruits of my labors! Hoorah!
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CURRENTLY: I've finally dived into the "let's everybody make a fan film" Kool-Aid.
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