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Old 12-03-2007, 02:27 AM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Believe it or not... I've seen that movie. And I remember the line, now that you mention it.


This is from Five-Minute "Azati Prime":

Archer: Oh, gimme a break. You again? What do I have to do this time, go back to the 1960s to stop Gene Roddenberry from shooting JFK?
Daniels: I'm more of a 40s man. But no, we're in the future, so I can explain something to you. I know how much you enjoy saving the future from yourself....
Archer: (nod) I'm a dangerous man.

I *think* there are two references here. "I'm a dangerous man" is obviously a quote. And the "40s man" just sounds like a punchline of some kind. Anyone?

EDIT: Also:

Bouncer of the Underused Characters' Tavern: Welcome back, Mr. Mayweather. Welcome... home.

I know I've heard that elsewhere. Can't remember where.
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Last edited by Wowbagger; 12-03-2007 at 02:35 AM.
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