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Old 01-22-2010, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
The Vulcan we see in TOS is a resettled, second Vulcan? Covered with "ruins" that are actually recreations of structures used by the ancient Vulcans? I find that insulting. Vulcans are suppose to be logical, and any justification for rebuilding ruins eventually boils down to "sentiment."
Explain to me why Vulcans have art at all, then. Why does Spock love the lyre? Why is the Hall of Ancient Thought so glorious? Why the ornate robes of the Vulcan clerics? Heck, why Vulcan clerics? Why is the mountain where Kohlinar studied (freakin' Kohlinar!) literally covered in astonishingly ornate artwork?

Is all that "sentiment"? Either way, your conception of Vulcans does not seem to conform to canon. Not even your personal Nate-canon. It simply has nothing to do with Star Trek.

The refit proved unstable, so the ships had to be "defitted?" I call B.S. It would be a zillion times easier to just junk the ship and start over with a new Enterprise. Saying that they had to rebuild key structural systems for a ship of a smaller size is also absurd. Since when does "our new tech is unstable, so we have to rebuild the ship" equate to "we also have to make the ship smaller while we're at it"? That would involve replacement of just about every piece of the ship's skeleton. Nonsense!
Everything you said may well be true. But all that would also be true of (drumroll)... a refit! So I presume you're also declaring TMP and all subsequent movies featuring the original 1701 non-canon. I mean, it's undeniable that the TMP refit saw the "replacement of just about every piece of the ship's skeleton" and the "rebuild[ing of] key structural systems for a ship of a [larger] size." Just like the defit.

This guy is introducing wonky stardate math to correct errors in the characters ages? And claiming that Kirk wasn't really made Captain in XI? He's trying so hard, but the tapestry of Trek canon can't stretch enough to cover the holes made by XI without ripping a seam elsewhere.
The stardate math is definitely sketchy, but I'm not one to care about character ages very much (no more than I care about, say, characters' middle initials). But the author's work on the Kirk captaincy, claiming the last scene of the movie takes place in 2263 instead of 2258, checks out very nicely, especially in light of the travel-time-to-Vulcan sequence. If you'd watched the movie, you might recognize that, but -- since you haven't seen how the narrative flow actually works on-screen -- you can't.

Plus, I thought you liked fanwank. Last I checked, that was the basic theme of the movie you proposed.

The cat's too busy playing with a ball of string (or torturing some small mammal) to care.
Oh, yes. And that small mammal's name is Nate the Great. :P
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