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Old 02-01-2010, 11:18 PM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
Vulcans believe in traditions. What they don't believe in is illogical things like rebuilding ruins and pretending that they're the originals. That's simply absurd.
TRADITION: (\trə-ˈdi-shən\) (n.) Any irrational activity which Nate thinks is perfectly sensible despite being irrational. (CONTRAST: "absurd" - irrational activity which Nate thinks is just downright silly.)

All Vulcans don't go through Kolinar training. It's basically extra credit that some Vulcans do to make themselves feel like they're better Vulcans. And I'll fully concede that different Vulcans have different levels of emotional control. Just look at young Tuvok.
It does not make them feel like they're better Vulcans. It perfects Vulcans as disciples of one particular school of Surak-based philosophy -- an extreme form, which rejects all emotion-based impulses. This is opposed to the rest of Vulcan society, which -- note this well -- does not go to that extreme and does admit emotional and semi-emotional relics of various kinds.

Even if I conceded that historical tradition is illogical -- I do not -- Vulcan society might well still follow it. Because it is not and never has been portrayed as entirely logical, even in pretense.

When warp drive started damaging subspace, they didn't replace the E-D's nacelle pylons with the bendable kind because that would've taken years to do this, and it would've reduced the E-D's top speed to a crawl anyway.
Wrong on all counts. (1) The bendiness was not the reason Voyager's warp drive was environmentally friendly. That's non-canon speculation from an unpublished version of the Tech Manual. (More likely a change in the dilithium crystal chamber.) (2) Therefore, we don't know that they didn't upgrade the E-D. (3) Even if they didn't, that's because the D exploded less than a year later. (4) If they had upgraded it, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever, anywhere, except for your own contorted anti-XI logic, to lead anyone to believe that it would have lowered their max speed one jot.

If there are fundamental design flaws in a starship, it is more efficient to start over with a new ship.
The Enterprise refit between TOS and TMP is because every piece of technology had been rendered obsolete
These statements are contradictory. Fortunately, since the second statement supports me and the other does not, and only the second statement references canon, you've pretty much proved my point.

Making a ship, ANY ship, smaller is simply ridiculous! Trash it and move on to the Enterprise A twenty years early!
Making a ship, ANY ship, bigger is simply ridiculous! Trash it and move on to the Enterprise A ten years early!

Gotta run to class. Cheers!
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CURRENTLY: I've finally dived into the "let's everybody make a fan film" Kool-Aid.
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