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Old 05-20-2010, 11:12 PM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
4. I forgot about the age discrepancy with Captain Pike. Shouldn't he be less than ten years older than Kirk?
Why? Canon is silent on Pike's age.

5. [...] Don't most series imply that long-term shuttle storage is via garages off the main bay, which is strictly to be used for embarking and arriving shuttles and "visitor parking"?
The size discrepancy is the most seriously troublesome continuity point in the movie (although anyone who gets agitated about this and not about the Bird of Prey size problems is a hypocrite). So I dig that complaint, and Bernd at EAS does a good job handling it in his article on the new Enterprise.

That being said, no, shuttlebays have always been used for shuttle storage. The only series to suggest otherwise was Voyager, and then only very indirectly. For non-canon support (if you go for that stuff), consult the TNG Ent-D blueprints.

6. They call Klingon ships "Warbirds?" Was there NOT ONE Trekkie on the production staff to say "Wrong. Romulans have Warbirds, Klingons have Birds of Prey." NOT ONE person had the courage to stand up for accuracy for something that is trivially easy to get right?
It was undoubtedly an error -- and a vanishingly small one, at that. Would you say the same to Brannon Braga about "Broken Bow"? If you impute it to producer cowardice, you must say the same of the ENT production staff, at least.

8. "The interior of the engineering hull of the Enterprise is nothing like anything we have seen on any Starfleet vessel so far. [...]" Rivets? Water pipes? Was a simple warp core too "boring"?
This item is the actual reason I'm posting (on such an old thread!), because the first time I saw it I thought the same thing. Later, I found out that, actually, Abrams & Co. wanted a really cool, multi-level engineering set, with a pretty sexy-looking warp core in the center. You can see the early designs in The Art of Star Trek. Unfortunately, the designs were never finalized, because the entire set had to be cut -- they ran out of money.

So, the hideous engineering set we got was because of budget issues.
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