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Old 02-27-2011, 08:25 AM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Originally Posted by NAHTMMM View Post
Yeah, I was pretty pleased with how that scene turned out. The next line is probably my favorite line out of both fivers, because it looks ridiculously random but is actually a reference to a scene from The Last Starfighter where all three entities are mentioned.
Aha! I knew I'd heard of those before, but could not place them for the life of me.

This might actually be the scene I was worried most about. The original is a nice, insightful dialogue that refuses to tell the audience which side they're supposed to root for, and I could find nothing better to do with it than reduce most of it to pure scenery-chewing. *sigh* But you like it, or at least the end of it. That's a good sign.
That's the kindest thing anyone's ever said about that scene. Now, I agree with it, not just because it's a nice thing to hear but because it's exactly what I was trying to do with the scene... but more than one commentator said something to the effect of, "Wow, love the action in this episode, great Yubari scene, but why all the blah blah on the Vigilance?" It is among the most criticized scenes we ever made -- which isn't saying all that much, but still. So, for how the scene is perceived, you nailed it.

I've got KatyJane listening to the episodes now. She's enjoyed it so far as well.
Superlative. Glad to hear it!

And March 1st is just around the corner!
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