Thread: Trek quote game
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Old 06-25-2012, 08:38 PM
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Yes, but it was still a bit sneaky to say you thought it was in the fiver. Now that we're on the subject, this is making me think someone should start a similar thread in Talk for fiver quotes... though with a "not from your own" proviso.

Hmm. That makes it TOS, TNG, or early VOY (but probably not the latter, which wasn't in any kind of syndication yet). Let's try "Ethics" and "Hide and Q".
__________________ because stuff is long and life is short

[03:17] FiveMinZeke: Galactica clearly needs the advanced technology of scissors, which get around the whole "yanking on your follicles" problem.
[03:17] IJD: cylons can hack any blades working in conjunction
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