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Old 11-17-2016, 09:38 AM
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I've been pondering how to deal with "The Menagerie." We only have one fiver, but two episodes theoretically mean two weeks of coverage. However, since next week is Thanksgiving and I want the day off, plus there was no episode on December 1st, here's what I've decided: I'm going to cover the fiver and the framing device now. The original plot from "The Cage" I'm going to cover on the 1st.

Incidentally, please comment! These things do take time, ya know, and I'd like some validation if you don't mind!

November 17th and 24th, 1966, "The Menagerie"

The fiver (by Zeke)
Memory Alpha Page: Part One and Part Two
Transcript: Part One and Part Two

Thoughts (framing device only):

* Excellent budget-saving device.
* Kirk brings up an excellent point. Spock didn't have to lie just to come here. At this point there are no crimes for Spock to keep Kirk away from.
* This "only yes or no" thing always bugged me. Really?
* Mendez asks them to check the impossible as well. I seem to recall Picard asking something similar of Data in one episode, besides the immortal exchange: "He's asking for the impossible!" "That's the short definition of 'captain'."
* I like that Bones is loyal to Spock. He may rib our pointy-eared friend, but they are friends.
* I always hated, HATED, that visits to Talos IV are "the only death penalty left on the books." Particularly since all information regarding the planet seems to be classified. Why not tell everyone, even the Klingons, outright, "The people on this planet can manipulate your senses. If you go there you may be enslaved for the rest of your life."
* McCoy being uneasy about the protocols for arresting Spock is heartwarming. Bet ya he wasn't expecting this when he woke up today.
* Having Pike still unretired is nice, makes me wonder what sort of job he could do in his condition.
* When did Spock talk with the Keeper and coordinate this time-killing tactic? If the quarantine of Talos IV indicated that the Talosian's range was limited to that system, what does it mean when their range is actually several dozen light-years? Will entire sectors have to be quarantined?

The fiver:

Incidentally, Zeke, was the misspelling of Vina as Vena a joke or reference to something?

Mendez: Pike had a little accident. He was climbing El Capitan and some jerk startled him.
Spock: It was supposed to be a harmless practical joke! I'm sure I'll get it right next time....

Curse you, Z, for reminding me of Star Trek V!

Spock: Spock to Enterprise. Please execute the bogus orders I'm sending.
Hanson: (over the comm) I'll need confirmation from the captain.
Spock: Kirk... here. Please execute... the... ordersimmediately... crewman.
Hanson: Aye, sir.

I wonder if the real Spock would ever use a word like "bogus."

Spock: Just following Jim's orders. He told me himself: "Go... to... TalosFourNOW, Mr... Spock."
McCoy: Well, it sounds authentic, but still....

Twice, Z? The Kirk impression joke is really easy to overdo, ya know. You have to be careful about stuff like this.

Number One: Thank you, Mr. Spock, but it is unnecessary to shout.
Pike: Oh, give the man a break, Number One. He doesn't have to be bland and unemotional all the time just because you are.

Nice reference to the eventually merging of Number One traits into Spock. If I wanted to acknowledge Enterprise here I'd probably make a Trellium D joke, but of course I'm going to do no such thing...

Talosian: Behold: now you're on Rigel.
Pike: Not Rygel XVI, I hope.
Talosian: Rigel with an I. You know, green dancers, possibly-holographic butterflies....
Pike: I think you're Reeding too much into the butterflies.

Apparently Rygel XVI is a character from Farscape. I barely watched that show, although my mom liked it. It's amazing how many actors from that show moved over to Stargate SG-1. With that "Reeding" reference I was expecting to be a reference to Enterprise, which still doesn't exist.

Pike: How did the Canadian do on this part?
Talosian: Pretty decent, actually. But he had a hockey stick.
Pike: What do I get?
Talosian: A herring.
Pike: What? How is that Ame--
Talosian: NI! NI! NI NI NI!
Pike: Aaaaa! Stop, I beg you!

Did Shatner ever play hockey? The transition to Monty Python seems a little abrupt. Perhaps a scene break?

Vena: Sorry, Chris. You see, the Talosians are concealing the fact that I'm really ugly as a result of the crash I --
Pike: You were in a crash?
Vena: Yeah, the fiver kind of glossed over all that. Anyway, I'm staying here.

Ah, yes, the necessary omission of plot details for the sake of a five-minute read. I know it well.

Kirk: I've always wanted to see Talos VII: That's The Roman Numeral For Seven.
Spock: The even-numbered movies are considered to be of superior quality, sir.

Come to think of it, with the exception of the first reboot (remember that Galaxy Quest gag?) the odd-even rule hasn't been brought up lately. If anything the reverse seems to be true in the reboot series. Still haven't seen them, etc. etc.

Memory Alpha:

* The only other "fleet captain" seen in the franchise is Garth of Izar. I wonder why they didn't just use "commodore" for these two.
* Spock served with Pike for 11 years, 4 months, 5 days. Many have taken this to mean that Pike commanded the Enterprise for 2 five-year missions, with a year in between for refit. Given what the Enterprise does and the speed at which technology seems to advance, I wouldn't doubt it. Can you imagine the amount of data accumulated at Memory Alpha during a five-year mission that would be needed to update the computer? Probably a complete warp coil replacement, too.
* Roddenberry wanted to turn the footage from "The Cage" into a movie, but without reshooting any of the stuff with the old actors? How would that work?
* I had forgotten that a shuttlecraft named in honor of Pike was seen in the TNG episode "The Most Toys." Okay, fine, I had never noticed in the first place...
* I'm still curious on why Solok in "Take Me Out To The Holosuite" was worthy of the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor.

Memory Beta:

* A TOS comic book features a return to Talos IV and an appearance by Pike and Vina's son Phillip Pike. Uh, yeah. Both of them are mangled remnants of what they were. The Talosians are probably projecting healthy, young versions of both of them to each other to interact. They don't have the capacity to have real intimacy. Unless you're going to claim that Phillip Pike himself is merely an illusion projected by the Talosians and shaped by the thoughts of Chris and Vina.

Nitpicker's Guide:

* Phil brings up a good point. Pike has an artificial heart now, and the Talosians only gave him the appearance of health, not actual rejuvenation. What happens when Pike needs a battery changed?
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.

Last edited by Nate the Great; 11-21-2016 at 08:00 PM.
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