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Old 03-23-2017, 12:34 PM
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March 23rd, 1967, "Errand of Mercy"

The fiver (by IJD GAF)
Memory Alpha

The episode:

* Again, I must preface the analysis with the assertion that I do like the episode. Kor was characterized more than most Klingons, and you can see how he could be our friend in a different era.
* Don't try to think about how many died in that few days of war before the Organians stopped it.
* It seems like a waste of resources to put Kor on this planet instead of commanding a battle fleet during the current war.
* A Klingon fleet is in the quadrant and Kirk and Spock are going planetside? During wartime Kirk should never leave the ship unless the Enterprise is far, far away from the fighting, right? Couldn't Sulu handle this mission?
* Between now and Tribbles, one wonders what "kevas and trillium" are. The book "Prime Directive" designates them as akin to incense, "Diplomatic Implausibility" says that kevas are a gemstone. The novelization of the episode says that trillium is a medicinal plant.
* I do like how Kor likes Kirk for having a spine and not smiling like everyone else.
* The Klingon mind-sifter should've been used more often. The third and sixth movies come to mind.
* One wonders how much brain activity Spock devotes to these continual reevaluation of probabilities. I wonder how he'd do on the Heart of Gold.

The fiver:

Uhura: In the event of an emergency such as this, starship captains have no choice but to enter the KM-Zone.
Kirk: What's that?
Uhura: Er, nothing.

Could we have an explanation of this "KM-Zone"?

Kor: Greetings. I am Kor. Much like Korn, but without N.
Kirk: Korn without end? The horror!
Kor: Yes, many an appreciator of music has trembled before me.

So Korn is a nu-metal band, apparently. I'm going to assume that "Korn without end" is an injoke.

Kirk: I'm confused. Is that a threat or merely a continuity error?
Kor: Both. Klingon continuity has never been terribly ridged.
Kirk: You mean rigid.
Kor: That's what I said.

Ugh. Couldn't we all just go with "the foreheads were always ridged, but the budget couldn't support it" and move on?

Uhura: Nothing. Say, how'd you like to find a toy store that sells cold yo-yos?
Kirk: Hooray!

"Cold yo-yos" sounds like another reference to something, but I have to say it would make a great name for a rock band.

Memory Alpha:

* The first appearance of the Klingons. It seems odd that it took so long. Yada yada, major galactic powers should've been in the series bible, yada yada...
* Last appearance of "Vulcanian." Good riddance to bad rubbish and all that.


* Kor approves of "Baroner".
* The destruction of the munitions dump.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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