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Old 06-13-2020, 11:21 PM
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Explaining Errors in DS9, Part Two!

Why would the Cardassians let a Bajoran scientist work with the newly-discovered Odo?

Attempted explanation: This kept Dr. Mora busy so he couldn't help the resistance.
I'm confused as to how Dr. Mora could help the resistance. It's not like his skills extend to weaponry or similar.

If Mrs. Vaatrick can't pay for power to keep her lights on, why are her automatic doors still working?
Attempted explanation: The doors had a backup battery.
I have troubles across the board with this scenario. You'd think the Federation would pay enough to maintain a minimum standard of life for all Bajorans as an example of the good they could do if Bajor joined the Federation.

How come the computer tracks Bashir by his commbadge but can instantly track civilians like Jake who don't wear commbadges?
Attempted explanation: Children of officers have continual biosign locks on them so their parents can track them.
Yeah...that's silly. This is a plot hole that just can't be solved. I'd be more willing to say that DS9 is so old that it can't isolate individual lifesigns without a commbadge (or Cardassian equivalent wrist-mounted communicator). But that raises further questions...

In the page for "The Adversary" it's asked why Kira and Odo come along on purely Starfleet missions. The big problem is that if you're going to use logic for that sort of thing, the Defiant would have a dedicated crew that we would rarely see and the main cast would be stuck on DS9 except for extraordinary circumstances.

Along the same lines it's asked why the Changeling in "The Adversary" is willing to harm Odo. I'd argue that the Founders define "harm" as permanent damage and whatever that chest-punch thing the other Changeling did to Odo was their equivalent of a Vulcan neck pinch, designed to subdue Odo and not hurt him.

Wouldn't sticking Garak in a holding cell for six months be considered torture?
Attempted explanation: Nobody knew he was claustrophobic at this point. Besides, part of Garak's problem with small spaces is the whole experience-lack of air, darkness or irregular light, increasing temperatures, lack of stimulation, etc. They probably shipped Garak off to a penal colony where he would have his own room and could go outside every day. Not a resort, but not a small closet either!

There's a bit of discussion about the effectiveness of miniaturized photon torpedoes against Jem'Hadar in "One Little Ship", specifically vaporization. I argue that shrunk antimatter can only explode in conjunction with shrunk matter. The booms would affect Jem'Hadar like firecrackers, not grenades.

How come the transporter lost cohesion so fast in "Our Man Bashir"?

This time there's actually a reasonable explanation-Cardassian transporters aren't designed with redundancies to preserve patterns the same way that Starfleet ones can. Furthermore, we have to presume that Cardassian transporters aren't updated as often as Starfleet ones.

In "The Passenger" there is a question about how Kira can use a runabout's transporter to beam out four people when there are only two pads. So what? In "Up the Long Ladder" the transporter handled way more than six people at once, no doubt a transporter platform can combine pads for larger objects or more people (using much more energy than usual, I assume)

The question is asked about why the Changleling that's impersonating Bashir didn't save the dying Changeling infant. Memory Alpha confirms that it would've been the imposter due to the uniform transition (the real one was still wearing the older station design, not the TNG movie style). My reply is that the imposter figured out that there was no way of saving the infant even if he linked with it (no doubt he would've had to merge with it like Odo did, which would've qualified as "harm").

The question is asked why Ezri's spots aren't visible on her legs in 'Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang" when Jadzia proved that the spots go all the way down. All the commenters can offer is that she camouflaged them like Jadzia did in "Trials and Tribbleations." Complete nonsense. Except for Vic, everyone in the Las Vegas program was hardwired to see all occupants as humans (without racial prejudice, I might add). Ezri would have no reason to use the technobabble "makeup" from the earlier episode, it's easier to chalk it up to "they forgot."
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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