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Old 07-13-2020, 02:39 PM
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Explaining Errors in DS9, Part Eight

A Nitcentral user complains about Sloan's "death" in "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" looking like a progressive phaser death and not a transporter effect. I don't have a problem with this one. Sloan would be ready with a holoemitter or something to make his "death" look like whatever he wants.

Bashir and Sloane take off their commbadges for an "off the record" conversation. Does this mean that the badges record everything as long as they're on a uniform? Disturbing implications. I prefer the explanation that this was merely symbolic, i.e. for the next few minutes they aren't Starfleet officers.

A Nitcentral user complains about Quark's illegal actions in "Invasive Procedures" not resulting in an arrest. The site claims that Starfleet has no juristiction over non-Federation civilians. I answer that even if Starfleet doesn't (a discussion for another time), ODO does!

There's a question about why Al Lorenzo would need to borrow Sisko's desk, can't he just make it in the holodeck? I answer that it's the same reason why we still value natural gems above lab-created ones: we prefer things to be real.

One Nit Central idiot wonders why Voyager can make the Delta Flyer out of spare parts, but O'Brien can't replicate a graviton stabilizer. I agree with the proposed explanation: the way the stabilizer was built. It's been well established that Cardassian tech is a lot harder to replicate than Starfleet tech. Plus we have no clue has to how large or complicated the stabilizer is, nor what rare materials are part of it's construction. The real question is how Empok Nor still has gravity in future episodes after its stabilizer has been removed.

IMDB brings up the fact that Worf should recognize Scotty in "Trials and Tribble-ations." My answer is that Worf wasn't really paying attention and Scotty looks quite different from what he remembers anyway.

A Nit Central user has a problem with O'Brien not being able to recognize Kirk on sight. I agree.

There's an issue with Worf referring to Darvin as "Darvin" without mentioning his original Klingon name (FYI, it's Gralmek). My issue is that people are acting like "Darvin" was an invented identity when he was actually murdered and replaced.

There are many complaints across various episodes about Odo being carried in shapeshifted form without strain from the carrier. I'd prefer the "simpler" explanation that shapeshifters can move mass in and out of another dimension when needed.

A Nit Central user complains about Miles and Keiko not having a vacation in five years when they've only been married for four. I answer that we have no idea when they met or how long they were dating beforehand. Alexander brings in the theory that 1 TNG season=/=1 year, but that opens another kettle of fish. Let's just say that Miles and Keiko had a vacation when they were dating.

Miles doesn't know any Maquis, what about Ro? The explanation is fair enough, he hasn't heard about Ro yet. "Tribunal" is stardate 47944.2, "Preemptive Strike" is stardate 47941.7 (that's when Ro returned to the Enterprise, she wouldn't defect for a few days or weeks). Maybe she hasn't even defected yet when he made the statement, and even when she does he couldn't be expected to hear about it same day, he probably heard about it from a message from Geordi days after THAT.

If Worf grew up in Russia, why would he say Soccer and not Football? We have no idea what four hundred years of history will do to those terms, do we? Maybe American Football finally conquered the world as a side effect of World War III!

There's debate as to whether or not Kiras rank of Colonel in the Bajoran Militia would translate as Commander in Starfleet. Especially comparing Army/Air Force/Marine ranks to Navy ranks (you'll recall me discussing something like this in regard to Number One being a Lieutenant in "The Cage" as being a UESPA rank which is Army based, not Navy based). Personally, I think Kira should've been given the field commission of Captain for the mission, she's sure earned it.

The question is brought up as to how it took so long for Odo to develop symptoms of the disease but other Founders are striken pretty quickly. I reply that he spent almost a year as a human which would keep it in stasis, plus he probably stays humanoid most days instead of a puddle in the Great Link. Plus you could argue that in the Great Link the disease could mutate rapidly as the Founders "reinfect" each other, which wouldn't affect Odo.

There are many comments for "What You Leave Behind" featuring memory clips of holographic doppelgangers of the main cast, which the real version wouldn't remember.

The question is raised about why Starfleet wouldn't send a replacement for Sisko as station commander after his disappearance. I don't have a problem with this, Kira's proven she can handle the job. My problem is the station and the Defiant having the same senior staff, but I've covered this elsewhere (and FYI, if Worf left Starfleet who's commanding the Defiant now?)

In "The Way of the Warrior" is brought up again how Klingons suddenly have red blood instead of pink blood as seen in STVI. It suddenly occurs to me that maybe Klingon blood has the interesting property of changing chemical composition in a zero-g environment. That is, unless you're floating around your blood is as red as any human's.

Another Nit Central user pointed out the distances to Cestus III issue. I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice that.

That's it for DS9, tune in soon for VOY!
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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