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Old 07-20-2021, 02:20 AM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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NURSE: Milady, everyone in Nottingham knows, Sir Guy of Gisbourne.
VASH: Sir Guy of what?

There are places in Australia and New Zealand called Gisborne, it would be interesting to learn if either are derived from the Hood legend.

(Geordi is still plucking at the instrument when Worf walks over, takes it off him and smashes it against a tree trunk)
WORF: Sorry.
(Troi is still learning to use a bow and arrow, She aims at a tree and hits Data instead)
TROI: Data, are you alright?
DATA: The arrow impacted just above my sixth intercostal support, penetrating my secondary subprocessor. Fortunately, none of my biofunctions seem affected. Do not be concerned, Counsellor. I believe your aim is improving.

It's nice when our heroes get to do some old-fashioned physical comedy.

SIR GUY: You're mistaken, Sheriff. Maid Marian has promised to be my wife.
Q: What? But that's impossible?

It's always nice to see Q flustered.

VASH: I can take care of myself.
PICARD: You are the most stubborn woman I ever knew.
(and puts her over his shoulder)

Actually I'd argue that. In terms of stubbornness I'd at least put Phillipa Louvois above Vash.

(Data takes something from his forearm and throws it into a fire as Picard's head goes down onto the block. The axe is raised, there's a boom, and the fight starts)

I don't like Data being a utility belt in situations like this. He had enough time in Sherwood Forest to MacGyver himself some basic explosives. If Kirk can do it, Data can do it.

Besides, it raises the question of how much of Data is replaceable with Starfleet tech. Is it everything except his positronic brain itself? Could they build a heavy-duty body to transfer his head to?

SIR GUY: I'll have you know I'm the greatest swordsman in all of Nottingham.
(Guy and Picard duel. Worf and Geordi kill guards while Beverly and Deanna smash crockery over heads)
PICARD: Very impressive. There's something you should know.
SIR GUY: And what would that be?
PICARD: I'm not from Nottingham.

"I'm not left-handed either."

PICARD: Computer, locate Council Member Vash.
COMPUTER: Council Member Vash is not aboard the Enterprise.

She's not a member of the council! Did Worf program this into the computer?

PICARD: He's devious, and amoral, and unreliable, and irresponsible, and, and definitely not to be trusted.
VASH: Remind you of someone you know?
PICARD: As a matter of fact, it does.

Why Muppet Christmas Carol popped into my head I'll never know. "He is odious, stingy, wicked and unfeeling, and badly dressed..."

Q: We're going to have fun. I'm going to take her places no human has ever seen.
VASH: Who can resist an offer like that?

In one of the Strange New Worlds collections Vash gets assimilated by the Borg and Q un-assimilates her.

The Fiver

Q: I'm here to grant you anything you wish.
Picard: I wish you'd disappear.
Q: I mean almost anything.

Is this a reference to "The Most Toys"?

Q: Your girlfriend is in danger, Picard.
Crusher: No I'm not.
Picard: He means Vash.
Crusher: Hey!

Actually, I think being around Q counts as "dangerous" by itself.

Crusher: (hits guard over the head with a bowl of chips)
Troi: Twelfth-century potato chips?
Crusher: If you don't tell anyone, you can have the other bowl.
Troi: Deal.

Potato chips were invented prior to 1817. I bet you thought they were newer than that!

Picard: Why are you going with Q?
Vash: He made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
Picard: What's that?
Vash: Free internet, cable, and phone service for the rest of my life.
Picard: Wow! That is good.

The fiver was written in 2002. I did some research and I was surprised at what phones of that era could do. Touchscreens and apps! I didn't get a cellphone until much later, the early 2010s.

Memory Alpha

* Only one day of on-location shooting in a nearby garden.
* I'm irked that Sirtis and McFadden were the only ones trained in sword-fighting, but of course they weren't allowed to do so on screen. The cartoonish pot smashing seems degrading. The director was asked about this, and his argument was that he had to stay faithful to the 12th century setting. Hogwash, this is a Q generated fantasy. I'm reminded of Kasidy's lecture about Vic's in "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang" about how it was the way things could've and should've been.

Nitpicker's Guide

* In other episodes it's made clear that people without combadges can't be located by the computer. Vash isn't wearing one either, so why does the computer conclude that she isn't on board if it never knew that she was on board?
* In "The Naked Now" Data implies that he can leak, but he doesn't in this episode just like he won't in First Contact.
* For that matter, Data can dodge energy blasts! Why can't he dodge an arrow that's not even at full velocity (I doubt Troi has full draw strength for that thing)?
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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