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Old 10-24-2021, 04:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
January 7, 1991, "Data's Day"

Data is not capable of love himself, so how could he act as matchmaker?
The same way Worf could act as a midwife.

Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
February 4th, 1991, "Devil's Due"

TROI: This situation is deteriorating, Captain. The people are approaching levels of anxiety that could lead to suicide.

They're not anxious enough YET? I shudder to think what Troi thinks is a justifiable level of anxiety for suicide.
Don't remember the title but there's a novel about a doomed planet that actually brings up that the population is starting to commit suicide. Pretty dark for TNG. Anyway Troi ends up stuck at the North Pole while the ship surprise-teleports the entire planet through a wormhole and part of the planet near her gets sheared off so I think she learned about anxiety then.

The Fiver

Sorry, this one is competent but not exactly quotable.
Oh, I don't know, I remembered
Picard: GASP! A -- a petticoat! (whispers) My one weakness...a properly dressed woman!
and the chains of (FLASH!) (BIGGER FLASH!)

Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
February 18th, 1991, "First Contact"

NILREM: I can't find his cardial organ.

I appreciate the alien medical terms, but you can go too far. "Cardial organ" instead of "heart" is just stupid.
You'd think so, wouldn't you. But "heart" is a specific organ whereas "cardial organ" describes the function, so if their version of a heart does certain things that ours don't -- maybe it has different chambers or reacts well to certain chemicals -- then the unspoken assumptions about ways that our heart matches theirs could be fatal.

MIRASTA: He's an android, Chancellor. A constructed being.
DURKEN: A machine?
DATA: In a manner of speaking. The term artificial lifeform would be more accurate.

How is Data not a machine?
In ways that mattered during "Measure of a Man".

RIKER: Now, will you help me?
LANEL: If you make love to me.
RIKER: What?
LANEL: I've always wanted to make love with an alien.

If the Universal Translator is so sophisticated that it can translate an idiom as complicated as "make love", our heroes shouldn't have the problems that it keeps having with the thing. It should've just said "have sex."
The UT is exactly as sophisticated as it needs to be to keep network censors happy.

Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
The Fiver
Picard: Nanoo, nanoo!
Troi: Phone Home!
Mirasta: Hmm... you appear to be new around here.
Picard: Perhaps, but we can reverse the situation, right O'Brien?
O'Brien: (over the comm) Yub! Yub!

I get the Mork and Mindy and E.T. references, but what's with the yub yub thing?

And is Independence Day still the cultural touchstone that it was twenty years ago?
Probably not.

Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
March 18th, 1991, "Night Terrors"

Fiver by Standback (I've never heard of this guy, does anyone know anything about him/her?)
Early forumgoer. I think he's the one who was from Israel?

Originally Posted by "Galaxy's Child" fiver
Picard: We have to startle it into letting us go, but without harming it. Set phasers on "wedgie" and fire!
Worf: Direct hit. The creature is dead, sir.
Picard: Dead? How is that possible?
Riker: Have you ever experienced a Klingon wedgie, sir?
This is a good bit.
My 5MV webpages My novel fivers list


“There must have been a point in early human history when it was actually advantageous to, when confronted with a difficult task, drop it altogether and go do something more fun, because I do that way too often for it to be anything but instinct.” -- Isto Combs
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