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Old 03-31-2022, 12:59 AM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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Location: Minneapolis, MN
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CRUSHER: There must be something wrong with the satellite data. It might have been tampered with.

By who? Why would the Romulans or whoever want to do this?

CRUSHER:I am going to talk to Admiral Brand and ask her to delay the inquiry.

Until when? You prove that the Romulans tampered with the satellite data?

BOOTHBY: These weeds keep popping up in the pittosporum. Poor plants don't have a chance to grow.

Also known as cheesewood, pittosporum is a family of flowers. Small curling white petals, long narrow leaves. The Japanese use them as bonsai plants. The seeds will stick to animal fur, but some animals like to eat them.

And that's your pointless knowledge for the day. I wonder if Ro knows this stuff.

PICARD: You could use a good herbicide instead of pulling the weeds with your bare hands.
BOOTHBY: And you could explore space on a holodeck instead of a starship.

I don't see the parallel here. Furthermore, how can you "explore" unknown space on a holodeck? If it's unknown it can't be simulated!

BOOTHBY: Do you remember the parrises squares tournament of 'twenty four?
PICARD: The final game against Minsk.

Jack and Beverly were born in this year. It does make me wonder how they became friends with Picard. I'll always remember how firmly Worf pushed for Minsk as the O'Brien's new home in "What You Leave Behind." After all, the Roshenkos are from Minsk.

DATA: We unsuccessfully tried fifty three different computational models in an effort to simulate the movements of the Nova Squadron just prior to the crash.

I wonder why they didn't slip in a 47 here.

PICARD: Filling the primary coolant tanks requires an open interlock but that can only be performed in a maintenance bay. Is there any other reason for opening the valve?
LAFORGE: It's the first step in purging the plasma exhaust.

They seem to be implying that exhaust plasma is kept in a tank for later removal instead of sending it out into space. What does that have to do with coolant?

The best that I can figure is that they're dumping the coolant to temporarily store the plasma in there. Perhaps they're going to pressurize the plasma for a few seconds to make a more impressive display.

PICARD: The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth. Whether it's scientific truth, or historical truth, or personal truth. It is the guiding principle upon which Starfleet is based. If you can't find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth about what happened you don't deserve to wear that uniform.

I hope you don't mind if I toss up a link to the Picard Song here...

LOCARNO: He got to you, didn't he? Picard told you some big story about duty and honour. It must've been a pretty good speech to make you turn your back on your friends.
WESLEY: We're Starfleet cadets. We have a duty to the truth.
LOCARNO: What about your duty to your friends?

Maybe they should've changed Locarno to Paris after all, Locarno is a real slimeball...

PICARD: You knew what you had to do. I just made sure you listened to yourself.

They could've made the Boothby parallel a bit less obvious and more natural.

The Fiver

Captain's Log: ...Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before....
Data: We should arrive at Earth in just over ten hours, Captain.
Picard: Mr. Data, you're ruining the mood.

"How could I ruin the mood, sir? We've been acting as a taxi for the last month!"

Brand: I have assigned Captain Satelk of Vulcan to assist me.
Crusher: Uh oh.

Satelk is played by Richard Fancy. He's been in a number of projects with other Trek alumni, but not McFadden. Is the fact that he's a Vulcan supposed to be the joke here? Crusher never had any problem with Vulcans, did she?

La Forge: You want us to investigate the accident too? Why?
Picard: I'm still hoping there's some way Wesley will get in trouble for all this.
La Forge: Why do you care?
Picard: Do you want him assigned to the Enterprise when he graduates?
La Forge: We'll get right on that investigation, sir.

Again, I get the joke, but this still seems out of character.

Wesley: This sucks. We should just tell the truth.
Locarno: No.
Sito: Not even if they offer us a guest starring role in a future episode?
Wesley: Not even if they offer us a cameo in the next movie?
Locarno: No way! Not even if they offer us a starring role in the next series.
Wesley: (to Sito) Wow, he is serious.

Wesley didn't cameo in "the next movie", he cameoed in Nemesis!

Wesley: We're screwed, Nick! Captain Picard knows we performed a banned maneuver!
Locarno: You mean you're screwed. I'm going to change my name and join the Maquis.
Wesley: That sounds kind of risky.
Locarno: Meh. What's the worst that could happen?

Locarno and Paris' backstories aren't that similar, really.

Wesley: I feel awful. I'm being held back a year and my career is probably ruined for good. I'll never get posted to the Enterprise now!
Picard: Well, my work here is done.

Actually, since Picard wanted to give Sito a fair chance to redeem herself, he probably would welcome Wesley back. If Wesley hadn't turned into a jerk, that is...

Memory Alpha

* Only appearance of the real Boothby (he never should've been in Voyager).
* They wanted to bring back Robin Lefler for this episode, but I can't understand how she'd fit into the plot.
* First actual appearance of Starfleet Academy.
* Jeri Taylor considered Lacarno to be too dark and damaged.
* McNeill considered the two roles quite different. Locarno was a bad person pretending to be a good person and Paris was the other way around.

Memory Beta
* Locarno joined a privateer ship, but was assimilated by the Borg.

Nitpicker's Guide

* Phil has a nice time calculating Picard's age if Data really did graduate in the class of '78 as he once claimed. Picard has to be over ninety! Of course that also means that this episode is taking place is 2400, not 2368.
* The graphic implies a position between Wesley's and Joshua's ship's that the mirror image of how Wesley describes it. Oops.
* The manual doors at the Academy still make automated door noises. Oops.
* The second edition features a reader reply correcting the Picard age math.
* How does Riker know what it's like to live with his parents when his mother died when he was young?
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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