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Old 05-19-2022, 10:10 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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DATA: I am not certain that either human or Bajoran rites are fitting.

Why not?

DATA: In almost all societies, it is traditional to say a ritual farewell to those you call friends. I never knew what a friend was until I met Geordi. He spoke to me as though I were human. He treated me no differently from anyone else. He accepted me for what I am. And that, I have learned, is friendship. But I do not know how to say goodbye.
RO: He seems almost human, doesn't he.

A nice moment from Data, but I'd forgotten about Ro's line. I wonder if Guinan talks about him to her.

LAFORGE: It's supposed to change the structure of matter so it can pass through normal matter and energy. Hang on a second. A few years back, we got intelligence reports that the Klingons were working on trying to combine a phase inverter and a cloaking device. In theory, they believed that a phased ship could hide anywhere, even inside a planet, and that conventional weapons would be useless against it.
RO: How far did they get in their research?
LAFORGE: It never got out of the preliminary stages. There were several accidents.

We'll see that the phase cloak has been considered by both powers for awhile, but...

RO: Then that would explain the explosion and the chroniton fields.
LAFORGE: And us.
RO: You mean we're cloaked?
LAFORGE: Not just cloaked, phased. Our entire molecular structure altered so that we don't have any substance.

That doesn't explain the current scenario. A phase cloak would only phase everything within an active field. You can't attach a "static phase" charge to a person, that's ridiculous.

MIROK: We will set up a muon feedback wave inside the transfer beam. The particles will accumulate in their dilithium chamber. When they go to warp speed, their engines will explode.

How a wave can create particles is beyond me. Maybe this has to do with the higher dimensions that dilithium crystals exist in. Then again, why would the transfer beam be tapping directly into the warp core without an intermediate converter?

PICARD: Deck ten. I've been thinking about the first time I met Geordi La Forge. He was a young officer assigned to pilot me on an inspection tour, and I made some off hand remark about the shuttle's engine efficiency not being what it should. And the next morning I found that he'd stayed up all night refitting the fusion initiators. Well, I knew then that I wanted him with me on my next command.

A nice story.

PICARD: I would like to get under way as soon as possible. The situation on Garadius Four is becoming serious.

Garidians will return in the video game A Final Unity. They resemble Romulans, but I don't know if they're supposed to be an early offshoot just like Romulans were from Vulcans.

LAFORGE: It looks like a great party. Do you mind if we join you?

Great line.

RO: I was raised with Bajoran beliefs. I even followed some of the practices, but I never really believed in a life after death. Then suddenly I was dead and there was another life, and it made me feel like I'd been pretty arrogant to discount everything I'd been taught, you know? Now I don't know what to believe.
LAFORGE: Maybe we should develop our own interphase device. If it can teach Ro Laren humility, it can do anything.

Ro's line is good, but Geordi's is a little offensive. Insulting an emotional reveal for the sake of a joke doesn't seem like Geordi, it seem more like McCoy, doesn't it?

The Fiver

La Forge: Enterprise, two people and one piece of weird Romulan equipment to beam aboard.
Chief Brossmer: (over the comm) I don't like the sound of that, sir. Any chance you and Ensign Ro could fax me a signed waiver before I energize?
La Forge: No.

I'm always surprised to learn that some people still use faxes.

Brossmer: (over the comm): Commander Riker, they vanished! I activated the transporter and they just vanished!
Riker: I presume you mean they vanished in a manner not consistent with the usual workings of the transporter.
Brossmer: Aye, o'course I mean that! D'ye think I'd call ye if they'd just beamed doon?
Riker: Funny how I never noticed that Scottish accent of yours until now.

Ah, Gamesters of Triskelion.

Ro: Oh, my aching head! How did I end up on the floor outside Sickbay? Note to self -- Romulan ale no longer to be consumed during rescue missions.

Undiscovered Country, too?

Ro: La Forge, can you see me?
La Forge: Yes, and I'm sure glad you can see me! No one else can! I was beginning to understand how Cyrus Ramsey must have felt.
Ro: Who?

This is an Enterprise reference. Ramsey was one of the first human victims of a transporter accident. Or maybe Hoshi just hallucinated his entire existence.

Ro: I think we're ghosts. Dr. Crusher says we died in a transporter accident.
La Forge: I'm not dead!
Ro: Yes, you are.
La Forge: No, I'm not! And I'm going for a walk!
Ro: Look, you're not fooling anyone. Now just wait here with me for the wooden cart, will you?

It's always a good day for a Monty Python reference.

Ro: Won't the whole shuttle go right through us as soon as the pilot starts to accelerate?
La Forge: No, the shuttle seats are made of the same material as the floors of the Enterprise.
Ro: Ah.

If inertia had any effect on them they'd have been left in the dust by the Enterprise the second they materialized. There are times when you should really just relax and not wonder about science facts...

La Forge: Did our near-death experience give you any new insights about life?
Ro: It'd be impossible to discuss the subject without a common frame of reference.

Voyage Home, too? And Ro is the last person I can imagine emulating Spock.

Nitpicker's Guide

* If they can't interact with air, how can they breathe or hear?
* At one point Data must step back so Geordi can go by. Oops.
* How would a nonphased couch protech Geordi and Ro from a phased explosion?
* In "The Hunted", an exploding phaser was deemed a risk to the entire deck, but in this episode an exploding Romulan disrupter didn't even fill Ten Forward.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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