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Old 01-05-2023, 04:17 AM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Tanngrisnir
Posts: 421

Gordon: This is amazing, Ed! But before I can get a new job, I'll need to kill this holographic enemy.
Enemy: GAK!
Mercer: Why would... oh, because you needed experience.
Gordon: You know me so well.
CONFESSION: I didn't get this one.

Halsey: Sorry, no luck finding a first officer. You'll have to leave without one.
Mercer: Oo, I had an idea about that! I'll see if I can get into a dangerous situation with a bunch of criminals, something where we have to work together to survive, and I'll make their leader my first officer. Oh, we'll have trouble getting along at first, but over time --
Halsey: Yes yes, fine. Whatever gets you off my station faster.
"Over time" = by the time Joe Carey breaks his bones in the second episode.

Gordon: Awww, I was hoping our version of warp would have "slip" in the name.
Mercer: Are you still on that slipper thing?
Gordon: Don't tell me you don't see it!
This sounds like actual dialogue. I can hear it.

Gordon: Oh, it goes way beyond that. I promise you, nobody who so much as looks like me could ever stand her.
I'm forced to conclude that Gordon has been in stuff.

Mercer: Wow, tardigrades sound amazing! I wonder if they could even steer a starship?
Aronov: I will thank you not to mock our serious discovery.
Got 'em!

Mercer: I didn't, he killed everybody the first time. But then I used the Omega 13.
THIS one I understood, hooray hooray.
Forum Lurker
CURRENTLY: I've finally dived into the "let's everybody make a fan film" Kool-Aid.
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