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Old 02-18-2023, 07:52 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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[Sisko] frequently goes into a holosuite to have a catch and a chat with one of his legendary ballplayer heroes.

So the genesis of Buck Bokai started this early.

A former "Major" in the Bajoran underground, Kira is now an outspoken critic of the provisional government.

Why would the Resistance use military ranks (outside of Star Wars, that is)? Looks like someone didn't do their homework.

O'Brien has been the Transporter Chief on STTNG for five years.

No, it was four years. During the first season he was in Security and manned the helm.

Three-year-old baby girl, Molly.

Molly was born in 2368, it is now 2369. Oops.

You know, a lot of things in TNG could be explained by having the mission taking longer than seven years, but "All Good Things" clearly states that the mission was seven years.

[A symbiote] looks like a short, fat snake.

Not really. "The Host" is mentioned, but like I've already said, why didn't they just change the name when they changed the makeup and everything else about the Trill?

[The symbiote tries to suppress the youthful passion of the host]

I know that they were trying for a more intellectual, dispassionate feel for Dax in the beginning. How silly that seems in light of later episodes (especially "Playing God"), where she's one of the most hedonistic people on board.

Her sexually appealing new form will create a certain tension between her and Sisko.

Another case of Early Installment Weirdness. Especially when you take a step back and wonder how this would actually work. Sisko being attracted to Jadzia makes sense, Jadzia being attracted to Sisko does not. Curzon had decades to see Sisko as a protege, and furthermore he must've known Jennifer and therefore what kind of woman Ben was attracted to.

[Odo] has a couple of Bajoran deputies.

Really? I'd imagine the station would need a couple dozen Bajoran deputies even before you throw Starfleet Security into the mix.

Dr. Julian Amoros

Amoros as a name is usually French or Spanish. Bashir is Arabic. Alexander Siddig is English/Sudanese. One presumes that the name was changed to match the actor.

[Julian] likes to go to the phaser firing range to practice with O'Brien.

Did they actually do this, ever? The Alamo program is years away, I don't think Bashir would put weapons training high on his priority list at this point.

For that matter, would O'Brien go to the phaser range? Maybe he did it with Worf once or twice, but I'd presume that once he was accurate enough for Security Officer purposes he'd stop. He wouldn't want to remind himself of his service in the Cardassian War, just being on a Cardassian station must be enough trouble for him.

[Jake is] an army brat.

Boy is there a lot to unpack here. I tend to associate "army brat" with "parent lives and breaths the military so child does so as well for approval." Sisko may hope that Jake joins Starfleet, but actual indoctrination should wait for a few years.

[Sisko said there would be other kids on the station, but there are only a handful].

How long did it take for the migration of Bajorans back to the station, anyway?

[Keiko isn't happy on the station, there's nothing to do for a botanist here. She was happy on the Enterprise].

You really gotta wonder what the O'Briens are doing here. The crew of the Enterprise didn't want him to leave, she didn't want him to leave, and what is someone in Operations doing as Chief Engineer anyway?

In any case, TNG has plenty of examples of married couples with different posts. Furthermore the number of juicy plots that Keiko got the first few years were quite minimal, "In the Hands of the Prophets" and "Tribunal" are the only ones that I can think of. Maybe she and Molly should've stayed on the Enterprise for the first few years with occasional cameos.

[Keiko's] scientific background will also be a help to Dax.

How often did that happen? A few times when she was pregnant with Yoshi, but that's years in the future.

[Lwaxana Troi has an entry along with her crush on Odo]

This early? That's an episode premise, not something for the series bible.

[Nog's father is Peck]

I guess "Rom" hadn't been invented yet, just some mysterious "Ferengi Pit Boss" character who wasn't attached to Nog yet.

[Dukat's entry is remarkably short]

A surprise given that I thought they were setting him up as a major recurring villain from the get-go. They even ripped him away from his TNG cameos for this purpose.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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