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Old 02-19-2023, 03:00 AM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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Location: Minneapolis, MN
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Memory Alpha

* There's a lot of stuff about what had to be changed when Forbes decided not to join the cast.
* They made a big deal about how expensive the pilot was to shoot. I feel that this isn't fair, because a lot of the cost was the extremely large sets that would be reused for the series itself. The episode-specific stuff was quite minimal and basic.
* The reason Quark looks weird is that Shimmerman's prosthetic nose wasn't ready yet, so they had to steal Rom's instead.
* There were four models of DS9, which surprised me. I thought that there were only two-the full station and a larger version of a runabout pad.
* Sisko told the Prophets that his father is dead. Oops.

The Fiver

Sisko: I request a re-assignment. And I wish I were asking someone else, since I still hate you for the wife-killing thing.
Picard: We are Picard. Grudges are futile.
Sisko: You're not helping.


Kira: Exposition time: Bajor is in political turmoil, with the only hope for unity being Kai Opaka.
Sisko: That sounds like "opaque." Should I be worried?
Kira: No, the opaque one is Kai Winn. She's later.
Sisko: When?
Kira: No, Winn. But she's not involved yet, so it's a no-Winn situation.
Sisko: Hold still for a moment so I can hit you.

I don't really think that Winn is opaque. Spend ten minutes with her and you know exactly where she stands. That's the point: the common Bajoran's haven't spent ten minutes with her.

Kai Opaka: Greetings. Behold my orb.
Sisko: But that's a big figure 8. Orbs are balls.
Kai Opaka: Stop nitpicking and have a vision.

Seriously, why are these things called Orbs?

Kai Opaka: Good boy. Find the Celestial Temple and I'll give you a Scooby Snack.

Now there's a joke that was funnier twenty years ago.

Bashir: Watch me prove my naiveté by accidentally insulting your entire species.
Kira: Hey, this is weird...I'm feeling some sort of attraction to you, even though you're scum.
Bashir: Yeah, me too. Uh oh. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Kira: A classic case of confusing ourselves with the actors playing us?
Bashir: Yep. Kiss me.

I'm with SFDebris: tossing hints at the Siddig/Visitor relationship was never that funny.

Odo: I hate your guts.
Bashir: I want to study yours.
Odo: In case I eventually come down with a disease or something? Get real.


Kira: Recurring villain here to see you, sir.
Sisko: Send him in.
Dukat: Greetings. I am...GUL DUKAT. Mwahahahahahaha!
Sisko: Yeah, hi. You here for a reason, or just to establish yourself?
Dukat: Second one.

Well, actually he's here to be bitter about losing his office. Maybe the chair is really comfortable, who knows?

Quark: Closing time. Put your winnings in this bag, which is not a shapeshifter trying to sneak aboard your ship and disable it.
Cardassian: Prove that.
Bag: It's true. No shapeshifters here.
Cardassian: Good enough.

I can almost hear the canned laughter.

Jadzia: Stable, too. It took us to the Gamma Quadrant.
Sisko: Oh, so we're stranded? Time for a speech. (ahem) We're alone. In an uncharted part of the galaxy--
Jadzia: Um, Ben? We can just take the wormhole back.
Sisko: Don't interrupt.

I'm pretty sure that two people in a runabout could never survive a decades-long journey.

Jadzia: What am I doing back on DS9?
Kira: You're the science officer; you tell us.
Jadzia: Actually, I know very little about science. I'm only here so this show will have a bizarre alien, and later a love interest for Worf.
Kira: What a gyp.

Dax isn't even remotely the most bizarre alien in the cast. I'd put Quark and Garak over her any day.

Prophets: Explain about this "time" stuff.
Sisko: They say time is the fire in which we burn. Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives, but I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey....
Prophets: We don't want sophistry, you kneebiter, we want definitions.

I wonder if Soran was quoting some old El-Aurian saying. Come to think of it, what do Trill and El-Aurians think of each other?

Sisko: Goodbye, sir. My grudge is gone and I respect you now.
Picard: Respect is irrelevant. Your archaic cultures are authority-driven. You will become one with the Borg.
Sisko: Whatever.


Kai Opaka: Good job. Your series is just beginning.
Sisko: But what about my Scooby Snack?
Kai Opaka: Oh yeah. OVER THERE!
Sisko: Where?
(Opaka takes off at Ludicrous Speed)

What? Where? I don't see anything. What's so funny?
I'll tell you in a minute.

Nitpicker's Guide

* Phil also wonders why the civilians are still here. Couldn't they be dropped off in escape pods far away from the Borg?
* Phil also did the stardate math.
* If Kira hates Bashir's statements that this is the frontier, why isn't she angry about "Deep Space Nine"?
* When did the Starfleet crew become fluent in Cardassian?
* Back in Best of Both Worlds Data clearly said that nobody survived Wolf 359. And yet this episode says that plenty of escape pods were around. There isn't a snowball's chance in Grethor that escape pods can go farther than the Enterprise's sensor range in only a day.
* How come the Saratoga here has a different registry than the one in The Voyage Home, and isn't NCC 1937-C or something?
* Phil has a problem with Kira using "godforsaken." I'm willing to chalk that one up to Universal Translator hiccups. Don't even try to tell me that the Starfleet crew is fluent in Bajoran at this point.
* Phil decides to wait until "Dax" and "Invasive Procedures" to discuss the changes made to the Trill since "The Host."
* Somehow Quark is able to hold the bag that is really Odo, when logically Odo should way too much for that. I'm willing to go with the idea that Odo shifts mass into and out of subspace when he changes. Remember that when he impersonates an inanimate object he's indistinguishable from that object as far as sensors are concerned.
* O'Brien says the Cardassians took everything of value. And yet there's plenty of valuable equipment on board. Phil points out the transporter, but I would argue that the viewscreen counts as well. Remember that the viewscreen isn't a monitor, it's two devices that project a hologram OF a monitor screen. I'd call that valuable as well.
* O'Brien wants the Enterprise to save them from three Cardassian warships when we've seen in the past that two warships were enough to give Picard reason to worry.
* Picard muddles the pronounciation of "Bajor" a few times. This is odd considering how often he dealt with Bajorans (including Ro) in the past.
* How come the DS9 uniforms are different than the TNG ones?
* The ensign in the transporter room calls O'Brien "sir" even though O'Brien makes it clear over and over that he's a noncomm and nobody should call him "sir." Maybe she was on board in the early seasons when O'Brien was a Lieutenant.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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