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Old 03-23-2023, 02:52 AM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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Location: Minneapolis, MN
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WORF: I am not familiar with metagenics.
CRUSHER: They're genetically engineered viruses that are designed to destroy entire ecosystems. When metagenic toxins are released into a planet's atmosphere, they immediately begin to mutate. They seek out and destroy all forms of DNA they encounter. In a few days, everything is dead.
PICARD: In a month, the metagenic agent itself breaks down and dissipates completely, leaving every city, every road, every piece of equipment perfectly intact.

How is that supposed to work? Can you really tell a cell to replicate itself X times and then die? It would be more reasonable to make them susceptible to a toxin that doesn't hurt anything else, letting you kill them at your leasure.

PICARD: Starfleet Intelligence believes that the Cardassians are developing a new delivery system, one that would protect them from accidental exposure to the toxin. They believe that the Cardassians are testing a way of launching dormant metagenic material on a subspace carrier wave.

You mean "activate dormant metagenic material via a specific subspace carrier wave." Ugh.

CRUSHER: You know, I heard that Solok was quite a man.
SOLOK: Why, yes, he is an extraordinary man.
CRUSHER: That's why we came here, because only Solok could help us. I guess there's some things even Solok can't do. It's too bad. (stroking Solok's lob) Because if he could, I would be very, very
CRUSHER: Grateful.
SOLOK: (quivering with excitement) When do you want to leave?

Ick. And ick again.

JELLICO: Lemec is a Cardassian, and Cardassians are like timber wolves, predators, bold in large numbers cautious by themselves, and with an instinctive need to establish a dominant position in any social gathering.
TROI: So you're trying to establish a dominant position by making him wait for you. The trouble with wolves is that sometimes the fight for dominance, one of them ends up dead.
JELLICO: In that case, the trick is to be the wolf that's still standing at the end.

Ugh. Do Romulans, Klingons, Ferengi, Breen, Tholians, Sheliak, or ANY OTHER species we've seen not use the strategy of "establish a dominant position as early as possible?"

WORF: You're not afraid of heights, are you, Doctor?
CRUSHER: Of course not.

"It's not like I broke a few bones falling down a hole on Minos or anything!"

LEMEC: I have here come to negotiate a Federation withdrawal from the border, not to be dictated to by some mere captain.

I thought you were here to arrange a ceasefire, or perhaps ask for a redo on the treaty. If you've already declared that you won't accept anything less than being allowed to take what you want without punishment, I see no point in further negotiations. Not that I'm ripping from current headlines or anything...

WORF: A phaser set to level sixteen should suffice.

A standard kill setting is level ten.

LEMEC: May I present my aides, Glin Corak and Glin Tajor.

"Glin" is Cardassian for "Commander." It seldom came up on DS9.

JELLICO: Welcome aboard. For the past three weeks you've been massing troops in staging areas, assembling strike forces, and pulling ships from their normal patrols. We will not stand for this clearly provocative behaviour.
LEMEC: I see the Federation spy network has again provided you with faulty information. We are conducting routine training operations, nothing more.

Ugh. I expect all spacefaring races to know how to read a map and not cross borders when they don't mean to.

LEMEC: Your fleet deployments do not concern us. However, we are very concerned about your refusal to vacate those territories along the border which are clearly Cardassian.
JELLICO: You gave up your claims on those territories when you signed the armistice.

Exactly. Trying to claim them now is broadcasting to the known galaxy the message "Cardassians don't honor their own agreements, so don't even try making any in the future."

PICARD: So you concocted an elaborate ruse to bring me here. Why?
MADRED: In this room, you do not ask questions. I ask them, you answer. If I'm not satisfied with those answers, you will die.

We're supposed to understand, even respect Madred? Good luck with that.

Memory Alpha

* Had this episode aired after DS9 started, Quark would've been there instead of Solok.
* First appearance of Nechayev. Really? It's a lousy way to introduce her.

Nitpicker's Guide

* Many nits about the rappelling scene, I won't repeat them.
* According to the Tech Manual, Level 16 is the maximum a phaser can do. This means that the walls of the hole would be too hot to touch.
* Phil prefers Troi in the uniform, she exudes professionalism in it.
* Jellico says to transform the Science stations, yet Riker uses one as a science station and it still says "Science I" at the top.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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