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Old 08-05-2023, 02:23 AM
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May 3rd, 1993, "Frame of Mind"

Oh, this is going to hurt. Like I've said many times, I don't like plots where people are thought to be crazy.

Fiver by Scott Z

The Episode

CRUSHER: No. Why don't we take a break for tonight? I think we've made a lot of progress.
RIKER: I'm still not comfortable with that final speech.
CRUSHER: There's such a thing as over-rehearsing, Will. You're going to be fine.

Oh boy, can I concur. When you study for too long the law of diminishing returns DEFINITELY kicks in and you're just wasting time.

RIKER: Maybe I'm just not right for this part.
DATA: Most humanoids have the potential to be irrational. Perhaps you should attempt to access that part of your psyche.

It's too late in the series for Data to be this literal. There are people who can put on the coat of irrationality and take it off later without problem and there are others who can't.

I'm reminded of an interview that Gene Roddenberry had with DeForest Kelley. De talks about how his persona blends with every role he plays. If he played Jack the Ripper he'd be influenced by that persona while playing the part, but he could still drop the influence when the role is over.

RIKER: Tilonus Four? Didn't their government just collapse?
PICARD: It's in a state of total anarchy. When the Prime Minister was assassinated, a Federation research team was on the planet. It's believed that they were forced into hiding. Your mission will be to locate and to evacuate them.

Ugh. As I've said before it's crazy every time they imply that Starfleet Security can't secure ONE BUILDING. Furthermore this research team should have a shuttle in orbit for a quick beamaway when necessary.

PICARD: Apparently, some of the factions have resorted to torture to gather their information. Well, a Starfleet research team would be a prime target.
RIKER: Then I'll have to go down there alone, undercover.
PICARD: Agreed.

Really? Why is that? Not even a two-man team would work? For that matter, why is Riker a better choice than Worf for this mission?

TROI: Sometimes it's healthy to explore the darker sides of the psyche. Jung called it owning your own shadow. This could be a sign that you're a real actor. This is becoming more than just a role to you.
RIKER: Maybe you're right.
TROI: Don't be afraid of your darker side. Have fun with it.

Oh boy, how often has THAT backfired in Trek? "Darkling" springs to mind immediately.

RIKER: No, I'll check them tomorrow. I'm going to bed early. The performance is tomorrow night. I want to be up for it.
TROI: I'm looking forward to it. Break a leg.

I thought I knew the origin of the expression, but I guess not. Either the idea is using reverse psychology to trick a curse into a blessing, or it's based on a pun in Yiddish. Whatever.

RIKER: Now, if what you say is true, where am I?
SYRUS: You're in Ward forty seven of the Tilonus Institute for Mental Disorders.

This might be the most obvious 47 that I've ever seen.

JAYA: I hear you're a Starfleet officer. I'm Commander Bloom from the Yorktown. There are at least a dozen of us here, maybe more. We were kidnapped, brought here against our will. Sanders was on the Yosemite. They did something to his mind. I think they're trying to get neurochemicals from our brains. Stafko was with me on the Yorktown. I don't know what they did to him. We're going to get out of here. I've made a communicator.
RIKER: You have?
JAYA: Yes. There are three starships in orbit. They're going to beam us out of here any day now. I'll tell them to get you out, too. (into spoon) Lieutenant Bloom to Yorktown. Come in, Yorktown. I've made contact with another officer.

I would be suspicious at this turn of events. In the real world there's no way a mentally ill person could create a story that cohesive and long.

At this point the Yorktown is a Zodiac-class ship, NCC-61137. The Yosemite is Oberth-class, NCC-19002.

And the rest of the episode can be ignored because it's just Riker bouncing back and forth doubting his own sanity. I HATE those kind of plots.

I've already said that I don't revisit shows like Equinox and Course: Oblivion. Shows where the characters are suffering, suffering, suffering with no reprieve is NOT ENTERTAINMENT to me.

The Fiver

Picard: Some of the factions on Tilonus IV have resorted to torture to gain their information.
Riker: You mean...?
Picard: I'm afraid so. They've started airing reruns from the Home Shopping Network archives.
Riker: I feel faint....

Wow, you can really tell the fiver was written in 2001. We could come up with way more painful forms of farcical torture these days.

Mavek: Dr. Syrus thought you might enjoy some time in the common area.
Riker: Why, what goes on there?
Mavek: We throw you nutcases together in a room and take bets on which one's the craziest.
Riker: Sounds good. I'll put twenty bars of latinum down on the one who's going to end up playing the Borg Queen.

My first question is "which Borg Queen?" Apparently it's Suzanna Thompson, the Voyager Borg Queen actress (not counting the finale when First Contact Alice Kringe stole her thunder, of course).

Riker: To demonstrate my sheer strength, I will now tear down this set with my bare hands.
Crusher: Quick, Deanna, get the holocamera!
Troi: Why?
Crusher: (morphing into Syrus) I want to capture the look on his face when he discovers this really is an asylum. Muahahahahaha....


Nitpicker's Guide

* If Riker was surgically altered to look like a local, why is he human in the asylum?
* Why wasn't a subcutaneous transponder used for this mission?
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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