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Old 10-07-2023, 06:42 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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HUGH: You probably can't imagine what it is like to be so lost and frightened that you will listen to any voice which promises change.
WORF: Even if that voice insists on controlling you.
HUGH: That's what we wanted. Someone to show us the way out of confusion. Lore promised clarity and purpose. In the beginning, he seemed like a saviour.

Would it be insensitive to make a Trump joke here?

RIKER: What happened to them?
HUGH: Lore began to experiment, trying to re-make us in his image.

Like I said, the organic is a necessary part of the Borg. Without it the Collective has no hope of becoming more superior. They would stop what Lore is doing.

DATA: I am implanting nano-cortical fibres in your cerebrum. They are designed to learn and mimic your neural firing patterns. Once they are in place, I will destroy the existing brain cells. We'll see if the artificial neural network is able to take over your cognitive functions.

I'm reminded of an episode of Teen Titans. Cyborg would have some interesting things to say to Lore, I'm sure.

CRUSHER: Helm, set a new course, heading three four four mark six. Full impulse.
HELM: Aye, sir.
TAITT: Sir, that heading takes us directly into the sun.

Yeah, and at full impulse it'll take half an hour to get there, not less than a minute. That's a big problem with Trek, they seem to think that as long as you're inside a solar system a quarter of the speed of light is fine. Well, it's not.

They imply that the trip from the planet to the star can be done in less than a minute. Okay, I'll Do The Math. Assuming an orbit analogous to Earth's, 93 million miles in 60 seconds is over eight times the speed of light. Or in other words, Warp 2, not full impulse!

PICARD: I just hope this force field has enough energy to trigger the pulse.
(he slides the tiny device forward, and the blue is sucked into it)

Is it weird that THIS is the part that I find most implausible? While I have no doubt that Data would be able to pull a component out of himself that could do this job, a random Borg component shouldn't. The Borg are built to power their components with a very specific power source and energy pulses at very specific frequencies. They wouldn't be this adaptable.

LAFORGE: You decided to go swimming, and when you jumped out of the boat you sank straight to the bottom.
DATA: I did not have enough buoyancy to get back to the surface.

Was his Insurrection floatation device a later modification?

TAITT: We need to direct a highly energetic particle beam onto the sun's surface. That should produce a superfluid gas eruption. If we target the right spot, the eruption would envelop the Borg ship.

This one sounds pretty plausible by Treknobabble standards. At least compared to whatever Lore is thinking.

LORE: I'll give you the chip our father made. It contains much more than just emotions. It has memories. Memories our father wanted you to have.

I wonder why we never addressed that one in Generations. I'm even more surprised that this never came up in the expanded universe. The memories in the chip would make for a great Strange New Worlds story.

(Data is holding a small circle with a triangle cut out of it in a pair of tweezers when the doorbell rings)

I get why this thing had to be redesigned for Generations, but they definitely went too far. We've seen the inside of Data's head, and there would be no room for that gumball-sized chip.

The Fiver

Taitt: The Borg ship is getting closer! We have to put up the shields!
Crusher: No! Keep beaming people up, and just polarize the hull plating or something!
Crusher: Or take us out of orbit.

I never liked the idea of "polarizing the hull plating" as a more primitive form of shielding. Maybe it would be useful for weapons fire, but shields have to handle more than just weapons fire.

Taitt: Thank you, sir! Say, with almost all the crew back on board, isn't it funny that no one's come to try and replace you?
Crusher: They're afraid of ripping off "The Arsenal of Freedom."
Taitt: Ah.

Why would someone want to take the bridge, Beverly is handling it just fine!

La Forge: Before they took my visor, I could see an invisible beam radiating into Data's head.
Picard: Invisible? It must be from the One Chip.
Troi: Didn't Dr. Soong have a poem about that chip? Something like "Chip of wonder, chip of might... chip to succour Data's plight...."

Star of the night, star of the day, come to take my cares away. Make my life, always bright...

Data: (in Picard's voice) Geordi! Shh! We are getting you out of here! But we will have to hurry, Data is coming....
La Forge: I know it's you. The captain uses contractions.

Come to think of it, it would've been neat if the contraction thing was used as evidence of Lore's influence...

Crusher: This was a great idea, hiding from the Borg ship on the opposite side of the planet. They won't notice us for a good minute or so. Start beaming up the leftovers!
Transporter Chief: (over the comm) We can't. They're on the opposite side of the planet.

And that matters? I don't think the stated transporter range of 40,000 km has an asterisk that says "unless a planet is in the way."

Data: He said something about target practice. I expect he will send me for an apple shortly.
Picard: You must realize that Lore's orders are wrong, Data. Apples deserve to live free, like the people of Gamma Trianguli VI.

Usually I'm all for TOS references, but I think this one is a bit too much of a stretch.

Picard: Now that Hugh've defeated Lore, the Borg need a new leader. I nominate Hugh, you.
Hugh: Hmmm... I suppose I could be our Omega Male.
Riker: Isn't Alpha Male the highest?
Hugh: Not to us. We worship omega particles.
Riker: Never heard of them. Have you, Captain?
Picard: (hurriedly) No, of course not.

Hehe. The only way to make this one better is to capitalize Omega Particles and then have Riker say "I know those are important, I could hear the capital letters!"

Nitpicker's Guide

* Phil also takes issue with someone who's only been on board six weeks being on the bridge.
* When Hugh, mentions Lore, neither Riker nor Worf are surprised, and they should be. At this point only Picard, Crusher, and LaForge know that Lore is here.
* Phil says that Lore has rights as a sentient being and shouldn't be disassembled. I would counter and say that Lore could break out of any prison you put him in. I have no doubt that Lore knows how to reconstruct an arm or leg if he destroyed one in an escape.
* Everyone acts like the metaphasic shields are the only way to survive inside a star, when they went even deeper than the corona in "I, Borg." Y'know, the episode that introduced Hugh?
* Why does it take so long to beam up 26 people? There are at least twenty transporter rooms on board, and each has six pads!
* I forgot that the emotion chip was shown in "Brothers." So this thing will have THREE appearances in canon!
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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