Thread: Block 18
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Old 11-30-2003, 02:17 AM
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[quoteost_uid0="Standback"][color=#000000ost_uid0]And on a more serious note - kind of oxymoronical, given the context - the reason I stuck the Spoon Kid into the first block ("Boy: She told me there is no spoon.") was in order to create the sense of a whole bunch of answers - the Rule of Three (to those not familiar with writing and plot terms - once is meaningless, two is coincidence, three is a rule.)[/colorost_uid0][/quoteost_uid0]
[color=#000000ost_uid0]Count me as agreeing with Standback here; that block needs one more line. I think a line with Cypher has the most potential to be funny, but apparently none that've been suggested yet are well-liked. Unfortunately, "She said I was a nothing! Can you believe that?!" was the best I could think of. Any suggestions? -- Pteryx[/colorost_uid0]