Thread: Pop quiz!
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Old 08-23-2004, 07:45 PM
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Draknek Draknek is offline
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That looks like the graph for 5 to an infinite number of balls.

Cat, are you sure that it's 9 tries minimum for 3 balls? I get 8.

EDIT: Nevermind. I wrote a program, which agrees with you.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

# Edit the next two values as appropriate

my $ballcount = 2;
my $floorcount = 100;

my $tries;
for ($tries = 0; 1; $tries++)
  if (howmanyfloors($tries,$ballcount) >= $floorcount)
    print "It takes a maximum of $tries tries to check $floorcount floors with $ballcount balls.\n";

sub howmanyfloors
  my $tries = shift;
  my $ballcount = shift;
  # Can't check any floors without any balls
  return 0 if ($ballcount < 1);
  my $floors = 0;
  while ($tries > 0)
    $tries -= 1;
    $floors += howmanyfloors($tries,$ballcount-1) + 1;
  return $floors;
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